
我国东部地区全科医生工作满意度及其影响因素分析 被引量:1

Analysis of Job Satisfaction and Its Influencing Factors of General Practitioners in Eastern China
摘要 目的 调查我国东部地区全科医生工作满意度现状,分析东部地区全科医生工作满意度的影响因素。方法 于2017-2018年期间,使用分层随机抽样的方法抽取东部地区基层医疗卫生机构的1 250名全科医生进行电子问卷调查。问卷为自行设计的《全科医生职业吸引力调查表》,主要内容包括全科医生基本情况、工作满意度等。使用独立样本t检验和单因素方差分析,研究不同特征东部地区全科医生工作满意度得分是否存在差异,利用二分类Logistic回归分析影响东部地区全科医生工作满意度的因素。结果 最终被视为有效的电子问卷为1 229份(98.32%)。东部地区全科医生的工作满意度较高,总均分为(37.24±6.80)分,其中得分较高者782例(63.63%)。年龄(β=0.036)、性别(β=-0.375)、婚姻状况(β=0.082)、加班情况(β=0.777)、收入水平(β=0.635)、职称结构(β=0.867)、与上级领导的关系(β=2.753)和职业发展机会(β=-2.658)是影响东部地区全科医生工作满意度的因素(P<0.05)。结论 东部地区全科医生的工作满意度较高,年龄、性别、婚姻状况、加班情况、收入水平、职称结构、职业发展机会和与上级领导的关系是影响其工作满意度的因素。建议科学安排工作量,实行薪酬激励机制,提高职业福利待遇,简化职称职务评估结构,从而提升全科医生的工作满意度。 Objective To investigate the current situation of general practitioners’(GPs)job satisfaction in eastern China, and analyze the factors which affect the GPs’ job satisfaction.Methods From 2017 to 2018,a stratified random sampling method was used to select 1 250 general practitioners from primary medical and health institutions in the eastern region.1 250 were investigated by electronic questionnaire through the questionnaire star platform.The questionnaire was a self-designed "General Practitioner Occupational Attractiveness Survey Questionnaire",the main contents included GPs’ basic information, job satisfaction.Independent sample t-test and one-way analysis of variance were used to study whether there were differences in the job satisfaction scores of GPs in eastern regions with diffe-rent characteristics, and logistic regression was used to analyze the factors associated with job satisfaction.Results 1 229(98.32%)questionnaires for GPs in the eastern region were considered valid.The job satisfaction of GPs in the eastern region was relatively high, with a total average score of(37.24±6.80)points, of which 782 cases(63.63%)had higher scores.Age(β=0.036),gender(β=-0.375),marital status(β=0.082),overtime status(β=0.777),income level(β=0.635),title structure(β=0.867),relationship with superiors(β=2.753)and career development opportunities(β=-2.658)were factors that affect job satisfaction of GPs(P<0.05).Conclusion The job satisfaction of GPs in the eastern region is relatively high.Age, gender, marital status, overtime status, income level, title structure, relationship with superiors and career development opportunities are factors that affect job satisfaction.It is recommended to scientifically arrange workload, implement salary incentive mechanism, improve occupational benefits, simplify job title evaluation structure, so as to improve the job satisfaction of GPs.
作者 王宏伟 邓子钦 平文俊 董浩 张鑫宇 何武 冯晶 甘勇 WANG Hongwei;DENG Ziqin;PING Wenjun;DONG Hao;ZHANG Xinyu;HE Wu;FENG Jing;GAN Yong(Tongji Hospital,Tongji Medical College of Huazhong University of Science and Technology,Wuhan,430030,China;不详)
出处 《中国社会医学杂志》 2023年第1期76-80,共5页 Chinese Journal of Social Medicine
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(71804049) 中央高校基本科研业务费资助项目(2020kfyXJJS059)。
关键词 全科医生 职业满意度 全科医学 东部地区 影响因素 General practitioners Job satisfaction General practice Eastern region Influencing factors
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