

Expert consensus on biobank and database construction of neurodegenerative diseases
摘要 在人口老龄化的背景下,神经系统变性疾病呈逐年上升趋势,神经系统变性疾病生物样本与数据库建设对疾病研究及转化应用至关重要。由于目前国内在此领域尚未建立统一共识,中国研究型医院学会临床数据与样本资源库专业委员会联合金域医学及全国部分三级甲等医院神经病学科与生物样本库领域专家,制订本专家共识,旨在推动神经系统变性疾病高质量生物样本与数据库建设,促进我国神经病学的研究与转化医学的发展。 In the context of the aging population, neurodegenerative diseases are on the rise year by year. Building a biobank and a database of neurodegenerative diseases is crucial for disease research and translation application. Since there is no unified consensus in this field in China, the Clinical Data and Biobank Committee of the Chinese Research Hospital Association,together with experts in the fields of neurology and biobanking from KingMed Diagnostics and some first-class hospitals in China, have formulated this expert consensus, aiming to promote the construction of high-quality biobank and database of neurodegenerative diseases and the development of neurology and translational medicine in China.
作者 中国研究型医院学会临床数据与样本资源库专业委员会 广州金域医学检验集团股份有限公司 周红梅 龙玲 何新月 唐闻晶 康晓楠 汤媛媛 Chinese Research Hospital Association Clinical Data and Biobank Professional Committee,Guangzhou;KingMed Diagnostics Group Co.,Ltd.;ZHOU Hongmei(不详;Guangzhou KingMed Diagnostics Group Co.,Ltd.,Guangzhou 510005,China)
出处 《中国研究型医院》 2022年第6期1-9,共9页 Chinese Research Hospitals
关键词 神经变性疾病 生物样本库 数据库 采集与处理 Neurodegenerative diseases Biological specimen banks Database Collection and processing
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