
印度洋战略地位变化对“21世纪海上丝绸之路”建设的影响 被引量:2

The Changing Strategic Importance of the Indian Ocean and Its Impact on the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road
摘要 印度洋具有显著的战略地位和经济价值,是美国“印太战略”重点关注的区域。美印等国为获得更多地区权力和经济利益不断介入印度洋,影响到该地区贸易运输、海上安全和海洋环境,导致其战略地位发生了明显变化。美国在印度洋不但要控制其航线,还通过向盟友和伙伴国提供公共产品来寻求支持。作为印度洋地区具有重要影响力的大国,印度一方面要维护其传统势力范围,另一方面要从该地区获得经济利益。此外,美印在印度洋地区都有排斥中国的战略意图。从地理上看,印度洋是中国倡导的“21世纪海上丝绸之路”的重要通道,对于海上丝绸之路建设发挥着重要作用,中国的海上力量通过印度洋可以到达非洲东部海域、南太平洋和欧洲海岸。然而,美国提出的“印太战略”目标之一是主导印度洋的地缘政治格局,联合其他西方海洋国家和印度,同中国在印度洋及周边区域展开博弈,这必将影响“21世纪海上丝绸之路”建设。因此,中国应加强同印度洋周边国家的深入合作,制定相应的措施,以推动“海上丝绸之路”在印度洋地区的顺利开展。 The Indian Ocean region(IOR), which has significant strategic and economic value, is a key region for the United States to implement its Indo-Pacific strategy. The sustained involvement of the US, India and other countries in the IOR in an effort to expand their regional influence and economic interests has led to significant changes in the region’s strategic position and security environment, impacting the IOR’s transportation of goods, maritime security and marine environment. The US seeks to not only control the sea lines of communication(SLOCs) in the Indian Ocean, but also gain support by providing public goods to its allies and partners. As a great power with important influence in the IOR, India seeks to maintain its traditional sphere of influence and obtain economic interests from the region. In addition, both the US and India share the strategic intention to exclude China from the IOR. Geographically, the Indian Ocean is an important maritime route for “the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road”(MSR) promoted by China, whose maritime influence reaches East Africa, the South Pacific and coastal Europe through the Indian Ocean. However, the US, which aims to dominate the geopolitics in the IOR with its Indo-Pacific strategy, has tried to work with India and other western maritime powers to compete with China in the Indian Ocean and its surrounding areas. This is bound to have an impact on the 21st century Maritime Silk Road. Therefore, China should strengthen in-depth cooperation with regional states and formulate corresponding countermeasures to promote the normal development of Maritime Silk Road in the IOR.
作者 王颖 Wang Ying
出处 《国际论坛》 北大核心 2023年第1期69-92,157,158,共26页 International Forum
关键词 印太战略 印度洋战略地位 21世纪海上丝绸之路 美国全球战略 地缘政治 Indo-Pacific strategy strategic value of the Indian Ocean the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road US global strategy geopolitics
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