Following the provisions of the Civil Code of PRC expressly prohibiting sexual harassment, Articles 25 and80 of the newly revised Law of PRC on the Protection of Rights and Interests of Women have made detailed provisions on the prevention of workplace sexual harassment. Nonetheless, there are still obvious deficiencies in the construction of employers’ liability to prevent workplace sexual harassment in China labor law in that the justiciability of such liability is not strong. China labor law should position employers’ obligation to prevent workplace sexual harassment as a labor standard, further define the protected object, protected types and disposal measures of employers to prevent sexual harassment. Based on the preventive liability’s attribute of public law, China labor law should stipulate employers’ labor administrative legal responsibility for failing to fulfill its obligation to prevent workplace sexual harassment. In the light of the preventive liability’s effects in private law, the relevant system of labor contract should be linked with the prevention of workplace sexual harassment, so that the causes of sexual harassment can be applied to the situations where the parties exercise the legal right to dissolve the labor contract, the right for simultaneous performance and the right to claim damages, so as to facilitate the litigants to safeguard their rights in labor disputes.
Journal of China Women's University
workplace sexual harassment
the law of PRC on the Protection of Rights and Interests of Women
labor standard
employers’liability in labor law