

Temperature field distribution and heat transfer process of steam blanched Citrus reticulata Blanco
摘要 为解决宽皮柑橘蒸烫去皮效果差、果肉品质受损等问题,基于有限元法建立宽皮柑橘的传热模型,考察宽皮柑橘在蒸烫条件下内部温度场的变化规律,并对不同果径宽皮柑橘的蒸烫时间进行预测。结果表明:在蒸烫处理时,蒸汽与柑橘果皮表面发生对流换热使其温度骤升,热量沿径向向果肉中心传递。随着蒸烫时间的延长,柑橘沿径向受热更加均匀,果肉表面温度迅速升高而后趋于稳定,其传热速率先升后降。果径越小,果肉表面传热速率越大,并且在同一蒸烫时间下果肉表面温度也越高。为保证柑橘果肉品质不会受损,小果径柑橘蒸烫时间应小于77 s,大果径柑橘蒸烫时间应小于172 s。 Steam blanching is needed to reduce the difficulty of peeling Citrus reticulata Blanco before peeling.Because the parameters of steam blanching depend mainly on experience,insufficient or excessive steaming often leads to poor peeling and damages quality of pulp.The heat transfer model of Citrus reticulata Blanco was established based on the finite element method.The variation law of the internal temperature field of citrus under steaming was studied.The steaming time of citrus with different fruit diameters was predicted.The results showed that the convection heat transfer between steam and the surface of citrus peel caused the temperature to increase sharply during steam blanching.The heat was transferred radially to the pulp center.With the extension of steaming time,citrus was heated more evenly along the radial direction,the surface temperature of pulp increased rapidly and then stabilized,and its heat transfer rate increased first and then de⁃creased.The smaller the fruit diameter,the greater the heat transfer rate on the pulp surface,and the higher the pulp surface temperature at the same steaming time.In order to ensure that the quality of citrus pulp will not be damaged,the blanching time of citrus with small fruit diameter should be less than 77 s,and the blanching time of citrus with large fruit diameter should be less than 172 s.It will provide reference for opti⁃mizing steam blanched peeling process of Citrus reticulata Blanco.
作者 万琛 陈红 田皓予 崔前锦 李光辉 府胜杰 周建飞 WAN Chen;CHEN Hong;TIAN Haoyu;CUI Qianjin;LI Guanghui;FU Shengjie;ZHOU Jianfei(College of Engineering/Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs Key Laboratory of Agricultural Equipment in Middle-Lower Yangtze River,Huazhong Agricultural University,Wuhan 430070,China;National R&D Center for Citrus Preservation,Wuhan 430070,China)
出处 《华中农业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第2期251-258,共8页 Journal of Huazhong Agricultural University
基金 现代农业(柑橘)产业技术体系建设专项(CARS-26) 柑橘全程机械化科研基地建设项目(农计发[2017]19号)。
关键词 宽皮柑橘 蒸烫处理 温度分布 传热速率 蒸烫去皮 Citrus reticulata Blanco steam blanching temperature field distribution heat transfer rate scalding and peeling
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