
粟酒裂殖酵母和戴尔有孢圆酵母混合发酵对赤霞珠桃红葡萄酒品质的影响 被引量:3

Influence of Mixed Fermentation with Schizosaccharomce spombe and Torulaspora delbrueckii on the Quality of Cabernet Sauvignon RoséWine
摘要 研究粟酒裂殖酵母S17与戴尔有孢圆酵母R68不同的混合发酵方式对赤霞珠桃红葡萄酒理化指标、色泽、香气质量的影响,为利用非酿酒酵母提升葡萄酒品质奠定理论基础。以宁夏西鸽酒庄赤霞珠葡萄为试材,设计两种菌株单独接种、同时接种与顺序接种的模式酿造桃红葡萄酒,以商业酿酒酵母CECA单独发酵为对照。酿造完成后对酒样的基本理化指标、色泽和香气成分进行分析,香气特征通过感官品鉴量化表征。结果表明:S17与R68共同发酵的酒样中挥发酸含量(0.29 g/L)低于S17单独发酵(0.81 g/L)和先接种S17后接种R68(0.78 g/L)的处理组;共同发酵苹果酸含量(0.62 g/L)低于R68单独发酵(0.85 g/L)和先接种R68后接种S17发酵(0.71 g/L)。3种混酿方式花色苷和丙酮酸含量较高,酒体色泽饱满。S17与R68共同发酵的酒样的酯类物质含量高(21525.60μg/L),并增加了金合欢醇、柠檬烯、正辛醛、苯乙醛等挥发性化合物的含量。结论:粟酒裂殖酵母与戴尔有孢圆酵母的共同接种方式发酵具有降低挥发酸,提升葡萄酒的果香和香气复杂性的潜力,并且有利于改善葡萄酒的色泽质量。 To investigate the effects of different fermentation strategies of Schizosaccharomyce spomb S17 and Torulaspora delbrueckii R86 on the physicochemical indexes,color and aroma quality of Cabernet Sauvignon roséwine,and to lay the theoretical foundation for the enhancement of wine quality by adopting non-Saccharomyces enological yeasts.In this study,Cabernet Sauvignon from XiGe winery in Ningxia were used as the test material,and a strategy of simultaneous and sequential inoculation of two strains was designed to make roséwine,with commercial Saccharomyces cerevisiae CECA fermented alone as the control.After vinification,the basic physicochemical indexes,color and aroma components of the wine samples were analyzed,and the aroma characteristics were quantitatively characterized by sensory tasting.Results indicated that the volatile acid content of the wine samples co-fermented with S17 and R68(0.29 g/L)was much lower than that of the treatment groups fermented with S17 alone(0.81 g/L)and fermented with S17 followed by R68(0.78 g/L);the malic acid content(0.62 g/L)was lower than that of R68 alone(0.85 g/L)and fermented with R68 followed by S17(0.71 g/L).The three mixed fermentation strategies displayed higher levels of anthocyanin and pyruvic acid and a body rich in color,which enhanced the stability of the wine color.The wine samples co-fermented with S17 and R68 showed outstanding ester content(21525.60μg/L)and increased the content of volatile compounds such as alloysol,limonene,n-octanal and phenylethylaldehyde.In conclusion,co-inoculation of S.pombe and T.delbrueckii has the potential to reduce volatile acids,enhance the fruitiness and aromatic complexity of the wine,and contribute to improving the color quality of the wine.
作者 董超 黄蓉 姜娇 秦义 刘延琳 宋育阳 Dong Chao;Huang Rong;Jiang Jiao;Qin Yi;Liu Yanlin;Song Yuyang(College of Enology,Northwest A&F University,Yangling 712100,Shaanxi;Ningxia Helan Mountain's East Foothill Wine Experiment and Demonstration Station of Northwest A&F University,Yongning 750104,Ningxia)
出处 《中国食品学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第3期206-216,共11页 Journal of Chinese Institute Of Food Science and Technology
基金 国家重点研发计划项目(2019YFD1002500) 宁夏回族自治区重大研发计划项目(2020BCF01003) 国家现代农业(葡萄)产业技术体系建设专项(CARS-29-jg-03)。
关键词 混菌发酵 同时接种 挥发酸 颜色 香气 赤霞珠 mixed culture fermentation simultaneous inoculation volatile acid color aroma Cabernet Sauvignon
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