
国家专利复方干预肥胖症的配伍规律与新方探索 被引量:1

Study on the Compatibility Rules of Compound Prescription for the Treatment of Obesity Based on National Patent and Exploration of New Prescription
摘要 [目的]基于国家专利数据库,挖掘干预肥胖症的中药复方专利的用药及配伍规律,为临床新药研发提供参考。[方法]检索国家专利平台中治疗肥胖症的中药复方专利,利用Excel 2019软件进行药物频次、性味归经统计,依据药物类别绘制桑基图;运用SPSS Modeler 18.0及SPSS Statistics 26.0软件,进行核心药物的关联规则分析及聚类分析;运用Cytoscape 3.9.0软件构建核心药物复杂共现网络,并发掘潜在新方新药的关联性。[结果]共纳入278项中药复方专利,涉及药物453味,高频药物有茯苓、白术等,以补虚药、利水渗湿药为主,多归肝、脾两经,常用对药有“白术-黄芪”等6项,常用角药有“白术-泽泻-黄芪”等16项。聚类分析得出核心药组包括“川芎-当归-丹参-枳实”“荷叶-决明子-大腹皮”等4组,并挖掘出治疗肥胖症的核心新处方温阳祛痰方。[结论]国家专利中药复方干预肥胖症具有规律可循,常以清胃泄火、化痰利湿、补脾益气等为原则选方用药,本研究为临床遣方用药及新药研发提供了参考。 [Objective] To provide references for research and development of new drugs, based on the national patent database, through analyzing the medication and compatibility rules of Chinese drugs compound prescriptions in the treatment of obesity. [Methods] The patents of Chinese drugs compound prescriptions for the treatment of obesity in the national patent platform were searched, and the statistics of drug frequency and attribute were carried out by Excel 2019 software, and the Sankey diagram was drawn according to the drug category;using SPSS Modeler 18.0 and SPSS Statistics 26.0 software to analyze the association rules and cluster of core drugs;the core drugs network was constructed by Cytoscape 3.9.0 software, and the correlation of potential new drugs was explored. [Results] A total of 278 Chinese medicine patents, involving 453 drugs, high-frequency drugs such as Wolfiporia cocos, Atractylodes macrocephala, and so on, mainly tonifying deficiency, diuresis and dispelling dampness, mostly belonged to the liver and spleen meridians. Commonly used pair drug had “Atractylodes macrocephala-Astragalus membranaceus” and so on 6 items, commonly used angular drag had “Atractylodes macrocephala-Alisma plantago-aquatica Linn-Astragalus membranaceus” and so on 16 items. Cluster analysis showed that the core drug group consisted of “Ligusticum Chuanxiong Hort-Angelica sinensis-Salvia miltiorrhiza Bunge-Citrus aurantium L”“Folium Nelumbinis-Catsia tora Linn.-Areca Catechu L.” and other 2 groups, and dug out a new core prescription for the treatment of obesity Wenyang Qutan Decoction. [Conclusion] The national patent of Chinese drugs compound prescriptions has certain rules to follow in the treatment of obesity, and the drugs are often selected according to the principles of clearing the stomach and relieving fire, resolving phlegm and dispelling dampness, tonifying the spleen and replenishing Qi. This study lays a foundation for clinical prescription and new drug development.
作者 李纪新 王文茹 任燕 邱林杰 李美洁 栗文婕 张晋 LI Jixin;WANG Wenru;REN Yan(Xiyuan Hospital,China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences,Beijing(100091),China)
出处 《浙江中医药大学学报》 CAS 2023年第2期118-128,共11页 Journal of Zhejiang Chinese Medical University
基金 中国中医科学院科技创新工程(C12021A03005) 国家重点研发计划子课题(2018YFC2000600)。
关键词 肥胖症 国家专利 用药规律 中药复方 数据挖掘 聚类分析 obesity national patent medication rules Chinese drugs compound prescriptions data mining cluster analysis
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