
洋湖国家湿地公园使用者行为特征及其满意度研究 被引量:2

Behavior Characteristics of Visitors of Yanghu NationalWetland Park and Their Satisfaction
摘要 以湖南省长沙市洋湖国家湿地公园为研究对象,从公园使用者的角度,根据环境行为学理论、场所理论和环境心理学理论,研究洋湖国家湿地公园使用者的状况和该公园满足使用者各种需求的程度,分析使用者的使用偏好、行为特征和其与公园环境的互动关系,评价该公园使用者的满意度,指出了该公园存在的主要问题。研究结果表明,洋湖国家湿地公园的男性与女性使用者在活动空间选择上存在明显差异,男性使用者的活动空间范围更广;该公园的使用者以年龄为19~30岁的人居多;该公园使用者的行为以休闲类和观赏类行为为主;每天10∶00至11∶00和15∶00至17∶30,该公园使用者的人数较多;在8个调查日中,2021年2月21日(周日),洋湖国家湿地公园使用者的人流量最多;至少有58%的公园使用者在半个月以内来公园1次;该公园的使用者主要乘坐公交车和私家车来到公园;洋湖国家湿地公园使用者对该公园的整体美观性、公园面积和自然野趣性满意度很高,其对该公园的植物郁闭度、水文连通度、设施维护、健身娱乐设施、出入口和水环境质量很不满意;洋湖湿地公园在交通、种植的植物、活动空间和类型、基础设施方面存在问题。 Taking Yanghu National Wetland Park in Changsha city,Hunan province as the research object,thispaper studied the visitor status of the park and the extent to which the park met various needs of its visitors,analyzed preferences,behavior characteristics and the interaction with the park environment of the visitors,their satisfaction was evaluated,and the main problems of the park from the perspective of park visitors were pointed out,based on environmental behavior theory,place theory and environmental psychology theory.The results showed that there was a significant difference in the choice of activity space between male and female visitors of the Yanghu National Wetland Park,the male visitors had a wider range of activity space;the majority of visitors were aged from 19 to 30,whose main purpose of entering the park was to relax and go sightseeing;the daily peak hours for park visiting were 10∶00 to 11∶00 and 15∶00 to 17∶30,and the flow of visitors reached the highest point on February 21,2021(Sunday);58%of them visited the park at least once every 15 days.The top 2 modes of transportation used when visiting the Yanghu National Wetland Park were taking buses and driving cars.The park visitors were highly satisfied with the overall appearance,park area and natural wildness of the park,while dissatisfied with the plant depression,hydrological connectivity,facility maintenance,fitness and recreational facilities,entrances and exits,and the quality of the water environment.There were problems with the park in terms of transportation,plants,activity spaces and types,and infrastructure.
作者 黄宇 刘义炼 张旻桓 叶烨 刘路云 丁子容 HUANG Yu;LIU Yilian;ZHANG Minhuan;YE Ye;LIU Luyun;DING Zirong(Nanning University,Nanning 530200,Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region,P.R.China;Central South University of Forestry&Technology,Changsha 410004,Hunan,P.R.China;Institute of Habitat and Green Low-carbon Cities,Nanning University,Nanning 530200,Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region,P.R.China;Hunan International Economics University,Changsha 410004,Hunan,P.R.China)
出处 《湿地科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2023年第1期58-66,共9页 Wetland Science
基金 广西壮族自治区哲学社会科学规划研究课题(22FZS007) 湖南省教育厅科学研究项目(22B0285)资助。
关键词 公园使用者 行为 满意度 洋湖国家湿地公园 park visitors behavior satisfaction Yanghu NationalWetland Park
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