
Quantum Secure Undeniable Signature for Blockchain-Enabled Cold-Chain Logistics System

摘要 Data security and user privacy are two main security concerns in the cold-chain logistics system(CCLS).Many security issues exist in traditional CCLS,destroying data security and user privacy.The digital signature can provide data verification and identity authentication based on the mathematical difficulty problem for logistics data sharing in CCLS.This paper first established a blockchain-enabled cold-chain logistics system(BCCLS)based on union blockchain technology,which can provide secure data sharing among different logistics nodes and guarantee logistics data security with the untampered blockchain ledger.Meanwhile,a lattice-based undeniable signature scheme is designed to strengthen the security of logistics data and user privacy against quantum attacks.This scheme is based on the lattice assumption,which can provide anti-quantum security for BCCLS in the future quantum computer age.It also establishes the undeniable mechanism that guarantees that the actual signer cannot deny a valid signature.Then,security proof shows that this undeniable signature scheme is correct and safe,and an efficiency comparison shows that it is more efficient than other schemes in similar literature.The performance evaluations of transaction throughput and latency show that the proposed BCCLS is efficient and practical.This work can improve the security and efficiency of logistics data management and promote the reform and development of the logistics industry.
出处 《Computers, Materials & Continua》 SCIE EI 2023年第5期3941-3956,共16页 计算机、材料和连续体(英文)
基金 This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant 92046001,61962009 the Doctor Scientific Research Fund of Zhengzhou University of Light Industry underGrant 2021BSJJ033 Key ScientificResearch Project of Colleges andUniversities in Henan Province(CN)under Grant No.22A413010.
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