
以健全人格为目标的课程思政教育模式研究 被引量:1

Research on the Model of Ideological and Political Education in Curriculum with the Goal of Improving Personality
摘要 以健全人格培养为视角,探讨了课程思政的本质、内容、实施途径和方法。课程思政是思想政治教育的有机组成部分,是思想政治理论课之外的教育助力和补充加强,其意义在于营造一个全员、全程、全方位的育人环境,其教育目标是培养学生健康完善的政治人格。成功的人一般具有爱国情怀,并且具有高尚的政治人格,因此在课程中融入思想政治教育,对于培养学生的政治人格具有积极的作用。课程思政是一种教育战略,也是一种教育模式,这种模式的形成和战略目标的达成有赖于对教师政治人格的培养,需要“全境育人”观念作为一种社会责任深入人心。 From the perspective of personality cultivation,this paper discusses the essence,content,implementation approaches and methods of ideological and political education.Ideological and political education in curriculum is an integral part of ideological and political education,and it is the educational assistance and supplementary reinforcement outside the political and ideological education curriculum.Its significance is to create an all-round education environment for the whole staff,and its educational goal is to cultivate students'healthy and perfect political personality.A successful person must be a patriot and have noble political personality.To integrate the ideological and political education into curriculum is of great value to cultivate students’political personality.Ideological and political education in curriculum is an educational strategy as well as an educational model.The formation of this model and the achievement of its strategic objectives depend on the cultivation of political personality of teachers,and require the endorsement of the concept of education throughout the country as a social responsibility.
作者 刘玉玲 姜永法 LIU Yu-ling;JIANG Yong-fa(School of Modern Business,Hebei Tourism College,Chengde,Hebei 067000,China;School of Information and Intelligent Engineering,Hebei Tourism College,Chengde,Hebei 067000,China)
出处 《教育教学论坛》 2023年第7期169-172,共4页 Education And Teaching Forum
基金 2022年度河北旅游职业学院课题“以健全人格为目标的课程思政教育模式研究”(J2022045)。
关键词 课程思政 健全人格 培养模式 ideological and political in curriculum sound personality cultivation mode
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