

Practical Application of Big Data Intelligence-led Investigation in Auto Insurance Fraud Cases
摘要 当前,车险诈骗犯罪体量到底有多大,究竟存在多少犯罪黑数,以及能否基于大数据批量发现有效的车险诈骗犯罪线索,至今没有明确的且令人信服的结论。基于2016年-2020年安徽省四家主要保险公司的车险理赔数据,以“高频出险”作为逻辑起点,从“骗保演员”“骗保道具车”“骗保剧情”三个维度进行大数据研判。一方面,验证了车险诈骗犯罪的庞大体量,保守测算出当前车险诈骗犯罪体量约占同期车险理赔报案总数的2.3%,对应理赔金额约占同期车险理赔总金额的3.2%;另一方面,揭示了车险诈骗犯罪较高的专业化程度和基于“价值链”所形成的犯罪生态圈,并批量生.成了有效的车险诈骗犯罪线索。 At present,there is no clear conclusion on the volume of auto insurance fraud,the dark figure of crime,and whether effective criminal clues can be found in batches based on big data.Based on the auto insurance claim data of four major insurance companies in Anhui Province from 2016 to 2020,taking"high-frequency insurance"as the logical starting point,big data research and judgment is carried out from the three dimensions of"insurance fraud actors","insurance fraud prop cars"and"insurance fraud plot".On the one hand,the huge volume of auto insurance fraud crimes is verified,and conservatively estimates that it accounts for about 2.3%of the total number of auto insurance claims reported in the same period,and the corresponding claim amount accounts for about 3.2%of the total amount of auto insurance claims in the same period.On the other hand,the high degree of specialization of auto insurance fraud crimes and the crime ecosystem formed based on the"value chain"are revealed,and effective auto insurance fraud clues are generated in batches.
作者 王全 付顺顺 Wang Quan;Fu Shunshun(Anhui Institute of Public Security Education,Anhui Hefei 230031)
出处 《警学研究》 2023年第1期93-109,共17页 Police Science Research
基金 安徽高校自然科学研究重点项目“基于图模型的犯罪团伙快速识别方法研究”的阶段性成果,项目编号:KJ2021A1547
关键词 车险诈骗 大数据 情报导侦 auto insurance fraud big data intelligence-led investigation
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