Under the background of the rapid development of digital economy,whether data subjects can enjoy the right to benefit based on personal data is still a controversial issue.In basic facts,the argument that personal data is worthless is unconfirmed.As“prosumers”in the digital age,data subjects are both producers and means of production,as well as consumers.The whole process of data acquisition and utilization fully demonstrates the data adhesiveness and the economic value of data determined by data adhesiveness.With the continuous evolution of labor distribution concept under different times,“data as labor”has laid a legitimate foundation for data subjects to have the right of data income.“Data as labor”emphasizes the substantive contribution of data subjects in the creation of data value,and then advocates that data subjects receive the economic returns they deserve,so as to correct the current pattern of completely unequal distribution of interests,but it does not deny the right of enterprises to data revenue.The right of personal data income can be realized through the monetization of personal data represented by the data transaction mode and the two-way payment mode as well as the collective transfer payment method represented by digital service tax and data trust.In contrast,due to the existence of the system tradition of collective transfer payments and the relatively mature trade union system in China,collective transfer payments have greater advantages than personal data monetization.In addition,it is unrealistic to blindly emphasize the absolute ownership and absolute autonomy of data subjects in the digital era,and the design of data property rights structure should pay attention to the balance of personal interests,industry interests and public interests.The income right from personal data is subject to inherent limitations in the sensitivity of personal data and external restrictions derived from specific use purposes,such as public interest purposes and contract performance purposes.
Social Sciences in Shenzhen