

Strategies and Adaptability of Traffic Organization in Areas with Dense Road Network
摘要 为改善密路网交通运行连续性,以方格路网为背景,归纳提出4种密路网区域交通组织策略:对向单行、全向单行、交错禁左、全向禁左。通过构建宏观和微观相结合的路网交通仿真模型对不同交通组织策略下的路网车流运行特征和综合效益进行定量分析。结果表明:全向单行相比常规组织对路网运行效率提升最大(31%),但同时产生车辆绕行(6.2%)并增加路网负载(28%);交错禁左对路网效率提升虽然有限(10%),但基本不产生绕行(0.2%)和增加路网负载(1%),综合效益更优。分析不同道路间距和需求等级下的交通组织效果发现:对向单行和全向单行更适宜高密度、低饱和度路网条件,全向禁左不适宜高饱和度路网条件,而交错禁左基本适宜全路网条件。最后,选取济南市中央商务区密路网进行区域交通组织案例分析,验证了分析方法和适应性分析结果的有效性和适应性结果的一般性。 To improve the continuity of traffic operations in dense road network,four traffic organization strategies have been proposed in this paper in the context of a grid road network.The strategies include one-way traffic in opposite directions,one-way traffic in all directions,alternate prohibition of left-turn traffic,and prohibition of left-turn in all directions.A road network traffic simulation model combining macro and micro elements was constructed to quantitatively analyze the traffic flow characteristics and overall benefits of different organization strategies.The results show that compared to conventional organization,one-way traffic in all directions has the greatest improvement in operational efficiency of road network(31%).However,this strategy also generates vehicle detour(6.2%)and increases road network load(27%).Alternate prohibition of left-turn traffic has limited improvement in road network efficiency(10%),but basically has no impact on detour(0.2%)or road network load(1%)and therefore provides better overall benefits.Analyzing the organization effects at different road spacing and demand levels,it was found that one-way traffic in opposite directions and one-way traffic in all directions can better adapt to road network with high density and low saturation conditions.Prohibition of left-turn traffic in all directions is not suitable for road network with high saturation conditions,while alternate prohibition of left-turn traffic can essentially adapt to all road network conditions.Finally,a case study of the regional traffic organization in the dense road network of Jinan CBD was performed to demonstrate the effectiveness of the analytical methods and the generality of adaptability analysis results.
作者 白玉 涂彭越 BAI Yu;TU Pengyue(Key Laboratory of Road and Traffic Engineering of Ministry of Education,Tongji University,Shanghai 201804,China)
出处 《城市交通》 2023年第2期50-59,101,共11页 Urban Transport of China
基金 自然科学基金面上项目“机动车交通平顺性度量方法及影响机理研究”(71871163)。
关键词 交通组织 密路网 单行交通 禁左管理 交通仿真 适应性分析 traffic organization dense road network one-way traffic management of left-turning prohibition traffic simulation adaptability analysis
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