
Concise Strategies to Enhance the High-Rate Performance of Li_(3)VO_(4) Anodes:Cl Doping,Carbon Coating,and Spherical Architecture Design

摘要 The safe operating voltage and low volume variation of Li_(3)VO_(4)(LVO)make it an ideal anode material for lithium(Li)-ion batteries.However,the insufficient understanding of the inner storage mechanism hinders the design of LVO-based electrodes.Herein,we investigate,for the first time,the Li-ion storage activity in LVO via Cl doping.Moreover,N-doped C coating was simultaneously achieved in the Cl doping process,resulting in synergistically improved reaction kinetics.As a result,the as-prepared Cl-doped Li_(3)VO_(4) coated with N-doped C(Cl-LVO@NC)electrodes deliver a discharge capacity of 884.1 mAh/g after 200 cycles at 0.2 A/g,which is the highest among all of the LVO-based electrodes.The Cl-LVO@NC electrodes also exhibit high-capacity retention of 331.1 mAh/g at 8.0 A/g and full capacity recovery after 5 periods of rate testing over 400 cycles.After 5000 cycles at 4.0 A/g,the discharge capacity can be maintained at 423.2 mAh/g,which is superior to most LVO-based electrodes.The Li-ion storage activity in LVO via Cl doping and significant improvement in the high-rate Li-ion storage reported in this work can be used as references for the design of advanced LVO-based electrodes for high-power applications.
出处 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2023年第2期110-119,共10页 天津大学学报(英文版)
基金 supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.52101262) Distinguished Youth Foundation of Hubei Province(2019CFA084) Educational offi ce of Hubei Province(Q20201201) the 111 project(D20015).
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