
Research on Innovative Ways of Integrating Aesthetic Education with Ideological and Political Education in the New Era

摘要 Aesthetic education and ideological and political education undertake the educational responsibilities of educating people with beauty and cultivating people with morals,respectively.The innovation of aesthetic education and the reform of ideological and political education have common educational goals and target students.Integrating aesthetic education with ideological and political education can promote the overall healthy development of students,which has both historical and practical significance.In this paper,the importance and characteristics of integrating aesthetic education with ideological and political education in colleges and universities are analyzed from multiple dimensions,and four feasible ways of integrating aesthetic education with ideological and political education are proposed.The latter draws on extracurricular activities,emotional touch,a pleasant aesthetic atmosphere,and educational synergy to improve students’aesthetic literacy and cultivate correct ideological and political concepts among students.A survey of 1,047 students showed that the understanding and acceptance of ideological and political education were strengthened and improved after implementing these innovative integration ways.Taken together,the exploration and practice of these integration ways contribute to expanding the effect of ideological and political education in the new era and constitute important parts of the reform of college and university education in the new journey.
出处 《Journal of Contemporary Educational Research》 2023年第6期18-25,共8页 当代教育研究(百图)
基金 Research Projects from Xinxiang Municipal Social Science Circles Federation(SKL-2023-126 and SKL-2023-136).
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