
面向水资源及水生态的并联水库联合调控研究 被引量:1

Study on joint operation of parallel reservoirs considering both water resources and water ecology
摘要 水库在正常调度运行的基础上,通常仅考虑本工程下游近坝河段用水需求,如能结合水库自身特点和上游及区间来水情况,兼顾下游干流关键控制断面的用水需求,进行联合调控,可进一步提高干流关键控制断面最小下泄流量指标保证率。为此,构建了一套面向水资源及水生态的并联水库联合调控方法体系,通过获取并联水库干支流控制断面流量需求指标和水库及区间来流量,刻画并联水库运行状态,确定并联水库联合调控目标,最终实现并联水库实时下泄流量优化推求,并选取澧水流域作为实例研究进行验证。结果表明:相比天然来水条件,并联水库单独调控方案和联合调控方案均能提高干支流控制断面最小下泄流量保证率;并联水库联合调控方法在保障支流断面最小下泄流量指标保证率及发电效益的基础上,能够显著提高干流控制断面最小下泄流量指标保证率。研究成果可为提高并联水库水量利用率及下游控制断面最小下泄流量保证率提供技术支撑。 On the basis of normal operation,reservoirs usually consider the water demand of downstream reach close to the dam.If the characteristics of reservoir itself and the upstream and regional inflow,the water demand of the key control section of downstream main stream can be considered and jointly regulated,the guarantee rate of the minimum discharge flow index of the key control section in the main stream can be improved.In this paper,a set of joint regulation method system orienting to water resources and water ecology was established.By obtaining the control section demand index of the mainstream and tributaries of the parallel reservoirs and the discharge of the reservoirs and the river interval,the operation states of the reservoirs were described,the joint regulation objectives of the reservoirs were determined,and the real-time discharge optimization of the reservoirs were finally realized.This paper chose the Lishui River Basin as an example study to verify.It is demonstrated that compared with the natural inflow conditions,the single regulation scheme and the joint regulation scheme of parallel reservoirs can both improve the guarantee rate of the minimum discharge flow at the control sections in the mainstream and tributaries.And the joint regulation scheme can significantly improve the guarantee rate of the minimum discharge index of the main flow control sections on the basis of ensuring the guarantee rate of the minimum discharge index and the power generation efficiency of the tributary section.The research results can be valuable references for improving both the water utilization rate of parallel reservoirs and the guarantee rate of the minimum discharge of the mainstream control section.
作者 徐长江 熊明 杜涛 李立平 邵骏 XU Changjiang;XIONG Ming;DU Tao;LI Liping;SHAO Jun(Bureau of Hydrology,Changjiang Water Resources Commission,Wuhan 430010,China;Upper Changjiang River Bureau of Hydrological and Water Resources Survey,Chongqing 400020,China)
出处 《人民长江》 北大核心 2023年第6期73-79,共7页 Yangtze River
基金 国家重点研发计划项目(2019YFC0408903) 长江水科学研究联合基金项目(U2240201)。
关键词 生态环境流量 最小下泄流量 并联水库 联合调控 澧水流域 ecological environment flow minimum discharge flow parallel reservoirs joint operation Lishui River basin
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