
Validation of a surgical model for posthepatectomy liver failure in rats

摘要 Background:The upper limit for liver resections in rats is approximately 90%.In the early postoperative phase,mortality increases.The aim of the present study was to validate the rat model of 90%partial hepatectomy(PH)as a model of post-hepatectomy liver failure(PHLF).Further,we wanted to test a quantitative scoring system as a detector of lethal outcomes caused by PHLF in rats.Methods:Sixty-eight rats were randomized to 90%PH,sham operation,or no sur-gery.Further,block randomization was performed based on time of euthanization:12,24,or 48 h after surgery.A general distress score(GDS)≥10 during the day or≥6 at midnight prompted early euthanization and classification as nonsurvivor.Animals euthanized as planned were classified as survivors.During euthanization,blood and liver tissue were collected,and liver-specific biochemistry was evaluated.Results:Based on the biochemical results,all animals subjected to 90%PH expe-rienced PHLF.Seventeen rats were euthanized due to irreversible PHLF.The GDS increased for nonsurvivors within 12–18 h after surgery.The mean time for euthaniza-tion was 27 h after surgery.Conclusion:Based on the GDS and liver-specific biochemistry,we concluded that the model of 90%PH seems to be a proper model for investigating PHLF in rats.As a high GDS is associated with increased mortality,the GDS appears to be valuable in detect-ing lethal outcomes caused by PHLF in rats.
出处 《Animal Models and Experimental Medicine》 CAS CSCD 2023年第3期266-273,共8页 动物模型与实验医学(英文)
基金 Arvid Nilssons Foundation Fabrikant Einar Willumsen Foundation Familien Hede Nielsen Foundation Kobmand Sven Hansen og Hustru Ina Hansen Foundation
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