

Analysis of Pharmaceutical Care of One Patient of Legionella Infection with Mental Disorder and Impairment of Liver and Kidney Functions
摘要 目的:分析伴精神异常和肝肾功能损害的军团菌感染(Legionella infection,LI)患者的抗感染治疗及其药学监护过程,为LI患者的救治和药学监护开展提供参考。方法:临床药师在开展药学会诊时遇1例发热待查合并肝损功能损害患者,治疗期间出现精神异常,且病原体抗体IgM检查提示嗜肺军团菌呈阳性。结果:临床药师会诊后认为,患者的发热、肝损功能损害和精神异常可能与LI有关,遂建议给予莫西沙星抗感染治疗,并辅以其他对症治疗;很快,患者的发热和精神异常症状基本消失,在入院第16天肝功能也基本恢复正常,遂出院。结论:临床药师开展会诊和药学监护,协助医生为患者制定个体化和更有针对性的治疗方案,可保障患者治疗的安全和有效。 Objective:To analyze the process of anti-infective treatment and pharmaceutical care in one patient of Legionella infection(LI)with mental disorder and impairment of liver and kidney functions,so as to provide reference for the treatment and pharmaceutical care of LI patients.Methods:The clinical pharmacist met a patient with fever pending examination and impairment of liver and kidney functions during the pharmaceutical consultation.During the treatment,the patient developed mental disorder,and the pathogen antibody IgM test indicated that Legionella pneumophila was positive.Results:After consultation,the clinical pharmacist believed that the patient's fever,impairment of liver and kidney functions and mental disorder were possibly related to LI,so he/she suggested giving moxifloxacin anti�infective treatment,supplemented with other symptomatic treatments;soon,the patient's fever and mental disorder symptoms basically disappeared,and the liver function basically returned to normal on the 16th day of admission,so the patient was discharged from the hospital.Conclusion:Clinical pharmacists carry out the consultation and pharmaceutical care,and assist doctors in formulating individualized and more targeted therapeutic regimens for patients to guarantee the treatment safety and efficacy.
作者 叶秋明 吴惠妃 王知恩 田丽凤 YE Qiu-ming;WU Hui-fei;WANG Zhi-en;TIAN Li-feng(Zhongshan Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Zhongshan Guangdong 528400,China;Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine,Zhongshan Guangdong 528400,China)
出处 《抗感染药学》 2023年第3期238-241,共4页 Anti-infection Pharmacy
基金 中山市医学科研项目(编号:2020J126)。
关键词 军团菌感染 药学监护 临床药师 精神异常 肝肾功能损害 Legionella infection pharmaceutical care clinical pharmacist mental disorder impairment of liver and kidney functions
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