

Pachytriton granulosus,a New Amphibian Record in Anhui Province
摘要 肥螈属Pachytriton是中国的特有两栖类群,目前,安徽省只记录费氏肥螈Pachytriton feii 1种。本研究在安徽省黄山市休宁县马金岭自然保护区进行野外调查时,采集到肥螈属动物标本,形态符合秉志肥螈Pachytriton granulosus的鉴别特征,基于线粒体cyt b基因片段的分子系统学分析显示,其与秉志肥螈有最近的进化关系,确认秉志肥螈为安徽省新记录。本次发现将秉志肥螈的分布区域拓展至白际山脉,为肥螈属的生物地理学研究提供了基础资料,对于皖南及其周边地区地质史与生物区系研究具有重要意义。此外,讨论了秉志肥螈和费氏肥螈的同域共存问题,安徽省肥螈属物种的分布格局需要开展进一步的研究。 The genus Pachytriton is an amphibian group endemic to China,and has received wide attention for its scien⁃tific research and conservation values.At present,only one species(Pachytriton feii)has been recorded in Anhui Prov⁃ince.A field study was conducted in the Majinling Nature Reserve(Xiuning County,Huangshan City,Anhui Province),and fresh specimens of Pachytriton were collected.The morphological characteristics of the specimens were consistent with the diagnostic features of P.granulosus.In addition,the result of phylogenetic analysis using mitochondrial cyt b gene frag⁃ments revealed that the specimens had the closest evolutionary relationship with P.granulosus.Therefore,a new amphib⁃ian record of P.granulosus was confirmed in Anhui Province.This study expands the recorded distribution area of P.granulosus to the Baiji Mountains and provides the first-hand basic information for the biogeography of the genus Pachytriton,which is important for the study of the geological history and biota of southern Anhui and its surrounding areas.Further⁃more,the potential sympatric coexistence of P.granulosus and P.feii was discussed,and it is recommended that the diver⁃sity and distribution pattern of Pachytriton species in Anhui Province should be further investigated.
作者 黄平倩 汪帆 鲁航 荣鹏 肖祥寅 张方 黄松 吴孝兵 李冰欣 陈进民 HUANG Pingqian;WANG Fan;LU Hang;RONG Peng;XIAO Xiangyin;ZHANG Fang;HUANG Song;WU Xiaobing;LEE Pingshin;CHEN Jinmin(Anhui Provincial Key Laboratory of the Conservation and Exploitation of Biological Resources,College of Life Sciences,Anhui Normal University,Wuhu,Anhui Province 241000,China)
出处 《四川动物》 北大核心 2023年第4期420-427,共8页 Sichuan Journal of Zoology
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(32001222,31900323) 重要生物资源保护与利用研究安徽省重点实验室开放基金项目(692001) 国家级大学生创新创业训练计划项目(202210370142) 休宁县生物多样性调查与评估项目 黄山国家森林公园生物多样性调查项目。
关键词 肥螈属 新记录 安徽省 白际山脉 Pachytriton new record Anhui Province Baiji Mountains
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