
Resistance Factor of Caisson-Tip with Internal Fillet for Suction Caissons Penetrating into Clay

摘要 This paper presents failure mechanisms of the soil at the caisson-tip with fillet during suction-assisted penetration of suction caissons in undrained clay.Theoretical solutions of resistance factor N_c of the caisson-tip are obtained in terms of the caisson-tip geometry ratio of the flat section of the caisson-tip to the caisson wall thickness m/t and adhesion factorsα_i along inside of caisson wall andα_b at the base of the caisson-tip.It is indicated that the factor N_c increases with the increase of m/t,α_i and a_b.The resistance factors N_c for the rough base(α_b=1)are larger by 0.57than that for the smooth base(α_b=0).Besides,the factors N_c of caisson-tip with flat base(m=t)are larger by 1.14 than that with full internal fillet(m=0).The required suction to penetrate suction caissons with various fillets is obtained in terms of the force equilibrium in vertical direction.The finite element limit analysis and centrifuge model test results are used to verify the rationality of the presented failure mechanisms and theoretical predictions.
出处 《China Ocean Engineering》 SCIE EI CSCD 2023年第3期525-532,共8页 中国海洋工程(英文版)
基金 financially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No.51879044) the Youth Foundation of Shandong Natural Science Foundation (Grant No.ZR2020QE258) Qingdao Postdoctoral Applied Research Project (Grant No.ZX20220202) SDUST Research Fund (Grant No.2015KYJH104)。
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