

Effect of Twin-block in adolescents with mandibular retrusion and normal anterior overjet
摘要 目的:了解改良固定式Twin-block对下颌骨后缩伴正常覆盖患者的治疗效果。方法:选择下颌骨后缩伴前牙正常覆盖青少年患者36例,咬合重建目标为软组织颏前点前移达零子午线,采用改良固定式Twin-block联合下颌外斜线微种植支抗钉促进下颌骨生长,12个月后分步拆除矫治器,观察颌位的稳定性,固定矫治调整咬合关系,改善侧貌。采用SPSS 13.0软件包对功能矫治前后以及固定矫治前后所测数据进行配对t检验。结果:治疗结束后,颏前点明显前移,下颌体长度明显增加,患者侧貌由凸面型变为直面型。功能矫治前后比较结果显示,Co-Gn、SNB、U1-SN、U6-0°、U1-0°、U1-L1、前牙覆[牙合]、覆盖、Pog’s-0°、L1-0°及面下1/3高度均发生明显变化(P<0.05);固定矫治前后比较结果显示,PP-MP、SN-MP、U6-0°、IMPA、L1-0°、U1-SN、U1-L1、前牙覆[牙合]、覆盖发生明显变化(P<0.05)。结论:改良固定式Twin-block联合微种植钉可有效改善下颌骨后缩伴正常覆盖患者的侧貌。 PURPOSE:To investigate the therapeutic effect of modified fixed Twin-block on patients whose mandible was retruded and anterior overjet was normal.METHODS:Thirty-six adolescents with mandibular retrusion and normal anterior overjet were selected.The goal of occlusal reconstruction was to move the soft tissue pogonion forward to the zero meridian(0°).Fixed Twin-block combined with the mini-implants on the mandibular buccal shelf was used to promote mandibular growth.After 12 months,the appliances were removed step by step to observe the stability of the jaw relationship.Fixed orthodontic treatment was performed to achieve ideal occlusion and coordinated profile.SPSS 13.0 software package was used for Student's t test.RESULTS:The length of mandibular body increased significantly which facilitated the forward movement of the soft tissue pogonion,and the profile changed from convex to straight.Comparison of the results before and after Twin-block treatment showed that Co-Gn,SNB,U1-SN,U6-0°,U1-0°,U1-L1,anterior overbite,anterior overjet,Pog's-0°,L1-0°and lower anterior facial height changed significantly(P<0.05).Comparison of the results before and after fixed orthodontic treatment showed that PP-MP,SN-MP,U6-0°,IMPA,L1-0°,U1-SN,U1-L1,anterior overbite and overjet changed significantly(P<0.05).CONCLUSIONS:Modified fixed Twin-block combined with mini-implants on the mandibular buccal shelf can effectively stimulate the mandibular growth and improve the lateral profile of patients with mandibular retrusion and normal overjet.
作者 马晓晴 陆雯 叶茂 邢允波 钱文昊 张玲 MA Xiao-qing;LU Wen;YE Mao;XING Yun-bo;QIAN Wen-hao;ZHANG Ling(Department of Orthodontics,Shanghai Xuhui District Dental Center.Shanghai 200032;Department of Endodontics,Affiliated Hospital of Stomatology,Nanjing Medical University.Nanjing 210029,Jiangsu Province,China)
出处 《上海口腔医学》 CAS 北大核心 2023年第4期422-427,共6页 Shanghai Journal of Stomatology
关键词 TWIN-BLOCK 外斜线微种植钉 零子午线 功能矫治 青少年 下颌骨后缩 Twin-block Mini-implant of the buccal shelf Zero meridian Functional orthodontic treatment Adolescent Mandibular retrusion
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