

Prospect for the Development of the Discipline of China’s Education History in the Twenty-First Century
摘要 中国的教育史学科是中国教育学的重要组成部分,至今已经走过了120余年发展历程。本文立足时代高度,从全球视野和中国发展两个大局,对21世纪中国教育史学科的发展做了前瞻性思考。在新世纪,为更加有力地发挥教育史学科的作用,使之在强国建设、民族复兴的新征程中为学术和社会做出新贡献,第一,教育史学研究者应更加自觉地坚持“古为今用,洋为中用”的研究宗旨——充分体现研究中国古代教育史是为了给当今教育改革提供经验和动力,突出研究外国教育史是为了给中国教育发展提供借鉴和方法;第二,教育史学研究者应明确存史求真传承积累与鉴往知来资政育人的双重使命,充分发挥教育史学科在指导教育改革与发展实践和预测未来教育发展趋势方面的作用;第三,教育史学研究者应推动教育史学在与时俱进中追求多样性发展,大力开展跨学科研究与交叉学科研究;第四,教育史学研究者应努力构建中国特色的教育史学学科体系、学术体系、话语体系。在构建具有本土特色的教育史学中国学术话语体系中,教育史学研究者可以在五个方面努力:批判地继承中国学术传统价值取向的合理因素;批判地继承中国传统史学的思维方式;批判地继承中国传统学术理论范畴;批判地继承中国史学研究方法;批判地继承中国史学编撰体裁。 The discipline of China’s education history is an important part of Chinese pedagogy,which has been in development for more than 120 years.Standing from the height of the times,this article gives a prospective thought on the development of the discipline of China’s education history in the 21st century from the two big pictures:the global perspective and China’s development.In the new century,in order to enhance the role that the discipline of education history plays,and make new contributions to academia and society in the new journey of national construction and rejuvenation,firstly,researchers in education history should more consciously adhere to the research purpose of“applying the past experience and wisdom to the present,and applying the foreign experience and wisdom to China”,which fully shows that the purpose of studying ancient Chinese education history is to provide experience and motivation for the current education reform,and highlights that the purpose of studying foreign education history is to provide reference and methodology for the development of China’s education.Secondly,researchers in the education history should be clear about the dual mission of inheriting and learning from the past,and give full play to the role of education history in guiding the education reform and developmental practice,and predicting future trends of the development of education.Thirdly,researchers in education history should promote the pursuit of diversity in education history in keeping with the times,and vigorously explore interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary studies.Fourthly,researchers in education history should strive to build a discipline system,academic system and discourse system of the education history with Chinese characteristics.
作者 周洪宇 Zhou Hongyu(School of Education,Central China Normal University,Wuhan 430079)
出处 《华中师范大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 北大核心 2023年第5期175-184,共10页 Journal of Central China Normal University:Humanities and Social Sciences
基金 国家社会科学基金“十三五”规划教育学重大课题“建设教育强国的国际经验与中国路径研究”(VGA180002)。
关键词 21世纪 教育史学科 发展前瞻 the twenty-first century the discipline of education history prospect for development
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