
国际法中核辐射防护的正当化原则:内涵、法律性质与监管实践 被引量:1

The Justification Principle for Nuclear Radiation Protection in International Law:Connotation,Legal Nature,and Regulatory Practices
摘要 自20世纪70年代以来,正当化原则从国际核安全与辐射防护的伦理性原则,发展为国际核法框架下的软法原则。正当化原则基于“风险—收益”分析逻辑,要求各国针对核活动进行监管时,将经济、社会等一切因素纳入考虑范围,以确认相关活动是否对社会整体构成“纯利益”。该原则的确立,意味着国际核安全监管逻辑超越了辐射剂量等技术性标准的范畴,开始触及社会整体秩序与利益问题。随着相关国际条约义务的丰富化,正当化原则的效力得以强化,其适用范围亦有所拓展。目前,大部分发达核工业国家已明确接纳并基于正当化原则开展了实践,该原则未来可能发展成为更具拘束力的核安全监管原则。不过,围绕该原则的相关研究却未受到广泛重视。中国应针对正当化原则展开系统性研究,并考虑基于该原则完善国内相关法律法规,同时强化对该原则实践经验的总结与方法论的建构。 Since the 1970s,the international community,led by the International Commission on Radiological Protection(ICRP),has gradually developed three basic ethical principles on radioactive protection,namely"justification""optimization"and"dose limitation",regarding nuclear activities such as the introduction of radiation sources or intervention levels.Relevant safety standards,giving these principles a soft-law nature and transforming them into potential national obligations in nuclear regulatory processes.The"justification principle"means that governments and regulatory bodies should follow the"risk-benefit"logic of analysis in decision-making on nuclear activities,taking into account non-technical factors such as economic,political and cultural considerations.A decision can be considered justified only if expected benefits"outweigh"expected risks.Currently,the international community is still exploring and accumulating experience regarding the detailed implementation of the"justification principle"based on the"risk-benefit"approach.As a soft-law principle,the"justification principle"does not have a binding force on state practices.However,with the support of specific obligations in international nuclear law and general international law,the"justification principle"becomes a consideration or compliance requirement in some specific treaties when state parties implement their treaty obligations.The Convention on Nuclear Safety requires states to adhere to basic safety principles,including the"justification principle",while the Joint Convention on the Safety of Spent Fuel Management and on the Safety of Radioactive Waste Management requires states to have"due regard"to the"justification principle".This principle is also touched upon by a number of other treaties in international environmental law.As a typical example,Part Ⅻ of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea provides for different forms of pollution sources,leaving room for contracting parties to practice the"justification principle"when dealing with radioactive pollution.Currently,the majority of nuclearpossessing states have indicated their adherence to and practice of the principle.Among 8 out of the 13 countries with outstanding technics and operation experiences.The other 5 countries,although have not specifically incorporated this principle into their domestic laws,have expressed their willingness to comply with it.This suggests that the"justification principle"may become a principle of customary international law in the future.China should consider at least two issues in responding to this trend of development:first,how to improve its own relevant laws,regulations,and regulatory systems;and second,how to construct a"risk-benefit"evaluation mechanism compatible with its own national contexts and societal culture.
作者 张诗奡 Zhang Shi'ao
出处 《环球法律评论》 CSSCI 北大核心 2023年第5期191-208,共18页 Global Law Review
基金 2022年度国家社会科学基金一般项目“国际软法在全球海洋治理中的功能及其优化路径研究”(22BFX151)的研究成果。
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