

Effects of typical soil types and land use patterns on soil labile organic matter and carbon pool management index in Henan province
摘要 基于河南省典型土壤类型和不同土地利用方式,研究其对土壤活性有机质和碳库管理指数变化影响特征,为河南省土壤的开发利用及可持续发展提供理论依据。结果表明:1)在褐土和潮土中,果园土壤有机质质量分数最高,分别比荒地高70.12%和29.04%。在砂姜黑土中,农田土壤有机质质量分数显著高于其他土地利用方式,为23.61 g/kg。2)在褐土中,果园利用方式有利于提高土壤低活性有机质(LLOM)和高活性有机质(HLOM)质量分数,但荒地土壤的总活性有机质占总有机质的比例高达67.79%;在砂姜黑土和潮土中,农田利用方式显著提高土壤各活性有机质的质量分数,其总活性有机质的比例分别为48.66%和41.08%。3)不同土壤类型下,农田土壤的碳库指数(CPI)数值均>1。在褐土中,菜地利用方式有利于LLOM和中活性有机质(MLOM)的土壤碳库管理指数(CPMI)的提高,分别为95、137。在砂姜黑土和潮土中,农田利用方式有助于土壤各活性有机质的CPMI的增高,值的范围分别为183~202和154~171。土地利用方式和土壤类型×土地利用方式互作均对土壤各活性有机质和碳库管理指数的影响达到极显著水平。综上,在褐土中,果园利用方式提高土壤LLOM和HLOM含量效果最佳;在砂姜黑土和潮土中,农田利用方式有助于提高土壤各活性有机质质量分数。土地利用方式及土壤类型×土地利用方式互作对土壤总有机质、各活性有机质和碳库管理指数均产生极显著的影响。 [Background]Labile organic matter(LOM)is a vital index to soil fertility,and it is more sensitive than soil organic matter to human and nature activities in short term.Soil type and land use are the main factors on LOM.Therefore,the study on the effect of different soil types and land use patterns on LOM and carbon pool management index(CPMI)will provide a scientific theoretical basis for soil sustainable development in Henan province.[Methods]Based on the typical soil types and different land use patterns in Henan province,the characteristics of LOM and soil CPMI by soil types and land use patterns were studied.In this study,three typical soil types(fluvo-aquic soil,Shajiang black soil,and cinnamon soil)and four land use patterns(orchard,farmland,vegetable land,and wasteland)were selected.The LOM was measured and divided into different components by KMnO 4 oxidation method.Two-way ANOVA was used to analyze the influence and interaction of LOM and CPMI by soil types and land use patterns.[Results]1)In cinnamon soil and fluvo-aquic soil,the SOM content in orchard soil was the highest,which was 70.12%and 29.04%higher than that in wasteland soil,respectively.In shajiang black soil,the SOM content in farmland soil was significantly higher than that in other land use patterns,which was 23.61 g/kg.2)In cinnamon soil,the orchard use pattern was beneficial to increase the content of LLOM(Lowly LOM)and HLOM(Highly LOM),but the proportion of TLOM(Total LOM)to SOM in wasteland soil was as high as 67.79%.In Shajiang black soil and fluvo-aquic soil,LOM content increased in farmland soil,and the proportion of TLOM was 48.66%and 41.08%,respectively.3)The carbon pool index(CPI)in farmland under different soil types was higher than 1,indicating that farmland was more conducive to improving SOM accumulation than the other land use types.In cinnamon soil,the vegetable land was beneficial to increasing the CPMI of LLOM and MLOM(Moderately LOM)with the value as 95 and 137,respectively.In Shajiang black soil and fluvo-aquic soil,the farmland contributed to CPMI increase of LOM,with the values ranging from 183 to 202 and 154 to 171,respectively.Two-way ANOVA showed that the interaction of land use type and soil type×land use pattern had an extremely significant effect on LOM and CPMI.[Conclusions]The orchard had the best effect on improving LLOM and HLOM content,followed by vegetable in cinnamon soil.The farmland was helpful to increase LOM in Shajiang black soil and fluvo-aquic soil.The interaction of land use and soil type×land use significantly affected SOM,LOM,and CPMI.
作者 罗澜 席源 华仲臣 姚林林 姜桂英 申凤敏 刘芳 刘世亮 LUO Lan;XI Yuan;HUA Zhongchen;YAO Linlin;JIANG Guiying;SHEN Fengmin;LIU Fang;LIU Shiliang(College of Resources and Environmental Science,Henan Agricultural University,450002,Zhengzhou,China)
出处 《中国水土保持科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2023年第5期29-37,共9页 Science of Soil and Water Conservation
基金 国家重点研发计划重点专项项目“北方集约化农区氮素面源污染发生过程与调控机制”(2021YFD1700900) 河南省科技厅基金“秸秆还田对不同肥力土壤有机碳组分和固碳减排的影响研究及应用”(192102110161) 河南省教育厅基金“长期施肥对土壤可溶性有机物组成结构及生物降解的研究及应用”(20A210024) 河南农业大学本科实验室开放创新项目“河南省典型土壤类型不同土地利用方式下土壤团聚体分布特征研究”(2019-16)。
关键词 土壤类型 土地利用方式 活性有机质 碳库管理指数 双因素方差分析 soil types land use patterns labile organic matter carbon pool management index Two-way ANOVA
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