

Source Classifications of Initial Apheresis Platelet Donors and Effect Analysis of Different Retention Strategies
摘要 目的:探讨初次单采血小板捐献者的来源分类及不同保留策略的效果。方法:选取2022年1—12月江西省血液中心的1766位初次单采血小板捐献者,对其性别、年龄、血型、文化程度、职业等分类进行统计分析,并对2017—2021年的单采血小板流失的捐献者情况进行统计,并分析不同保留策略的效果。结果:初次单采血小板捐献者中,按性别统计,男性1372位(77.69%),女性394位(22.31%),男女比例为3.48∶1,捐献者性别以男性为主;按年龄统计,18~26岁年龄段372位(21.06%),27~35岁年龄段713位(40.37%),36~44岁年龄段441位(24.97%),45~59岁年龄段240位(13.59%),捐献者年龄段以27~35岁为主;按血型统计,A型血417位(23.61%),B型血446位(25.25%),O型血809位(45.81%),AB型血94位(5.32%),捐献者血型以O型为主;按文化程度统计,初中及以下593位(33.58%),高中451位(25.54%),中专238位(13.48%),大专254位(14.38%),本科及以上230位(13.02%),捐献者文化程度以初中及以下为主;按职业统计,工人549位(31.09%),职员243位(13.76%),学生83位(4.70%),军人46位(2.60%),公务员178位(10.08%),医务人员206位(11.66%),教师134位(7.59%),其他职业327位(18.52%),捐献者职业以工人为主。2017—2021年,单采血小板捐献者流失人数总体呈现出逐年曲折上升的趋势;流失的主要原因有捐献者身体状况不好、联系方式变更而无法联系及对服务不满意,献血出现不良反应、检验不合格、亲属等急用血而被迫互助献血等因素也有较大影响;对可联系流失者进行回访,发现愿意再献血的人数占比为54.55%;采用不同的策略保留献血人群,发现多媒体组的整体保留率为61.13%,高于单媒体组的23.80%(P<0.05)。结论:初次参加单采血小板的捐献者在性别、年龄、血型、文化程度、职业等方面均有显著特点,针对单采血小板捐献者流失人数增多的情况,利用多媒体管理的方式可以有效地保留单采血小板献血者。 Objective:To explore the source classifications of initial apheresis platelet donors and the effect of different retention strategies.Method:A total of 1,766 initial apheresis platelet donors in Jiangxi Blood Center were enrolled between January and December 2022,and their genders,age,blood types,education level and occupations were statistically analyzed.The loss of apheresis platelet donors was statistically analyzed from 2017 to 2021,and the effect of different retention strategies was analyzed.Result:Among initial apheresis platelet donors,According to gender statistics,there were 1,372(77.69%)males and 394(22.31%)females,with a male-to-female ratio of 3.48∶1,and most donors were males.According to age statistics,there were 372 cases(21.06%)with age group of 18-26 years,713 cases(40.37%)of 27-35 years,441 cases(24.97%)of 36-44 years and 240 cases(13.59%)of 45-59 years,and the main age group was 27-35 years.According to blood type statistics,there were 417 cases(23.61%)with type A,446 cases(25.25%)with type B,809 cases(45.81%)with type O and 94 cases(5.32%)with type AB,and the main blood type was type O.According to education level statistics,there were 593 cases(33.58%)with education level of junior high school or below,451 cases(25.54%)of senior high school,238 cases(13.48%)of technical secondary school,254 cases(14.38%)of junior college and 230 cases(13.02%)of undergraduate course or above,and the main education level was junior high school or below.According to occupation statistics,there were 549(31.09%)workers,243(13.76%)staffs,83(4.70%)students,46(2.60%)soldiers,178(10.08%)civil servants,206(11.66%)medical staffs,134(7.59%)teachers and 327 cases(18.52%)with the other occupations,and the main occupation was worker.From 2017 to 2021,the overall loss of platelet donors showed a tortuous upward trend year by year.The main causes of loss included poor health of donors,non-contact due to information changes,non�satisfaction with services,factors such as adverse reactions during blood donation,failing tests,and relatives being forced to donate blood for mutual assistance due to urgent needs also had a significant impact.According to the return visits for available lost donors,the proportion of cases willing to donate blood again was 54.55%.In the donors with different retention strategies,it was found that the overall retention rate in multimedia group was 61.13%,higher than 23.80%in single-media group(P<0.05).Conclusion:There are significant characteristics in gender,age,blood types,education level and occupations in initial apheresis platelet donors.In view of the increase in donors loss,the retention strategy with multimedia management is more effective.
作者 欧阳江 何华庆 程子华 杨柳 OUYANG Jiang;HE Huaqing;CHENG Zihua;YANG Liu(Jiangxi Blood Center,Nanchang 330020,China;不详)
机构地区 江西省血液中心
出处 《中国医学创新》 CAS 2023年第30期162-167,共6页 Medical Innovation of China
基金 江西省卫生健康委科技计划项目(202211335)。
关键词 单采血小板 来源分类 保留策略 Apheresis platelet Source classification Retention strategy
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