
Effect of mechanical vibration process parameters on the cement plugs properties for abandoned wells

摘要 A high-quality plug of the abandoned wellbore is considered an essential technical aspect of the oil and gas well abandonment technology system. This paper presents a method of active mechanical excitation to enhance the quality of wellbore plug barriers. An indoor simulation platform is developed, and the effects of different combinations of vibration frequency, amplitude and duration on the properties of the wellbore plug cement material are investigated. It is observed that the optimal combination of excitation parameters occurs at a vibration frequency of 15 Hz, a vibration time of 6 min, and a vibration amplitude of 3 mm. Compared with the condition without the vibration process, the cementing strength, compressive strength, and tensile strength of wellbore cement plug with the optimal mechanical vibration process could increase by 51%, 38% and 20%, respectively, while the porosity decreases by 5%. As determined by scanning electron microscopy of the set cement's microstructure, mechanical vibration effectively eliminates internal porosity and improves the set cement's density. The optimal excitation parameters obtained from the test can guide the design of the vibration plugging tool. The designed vibration plugging tool is simulated in the near field. The cement plug cementation quality tester tests the vibrating and non-vibrating samples, and the cementation ratio is calculated. The test results show that the average cementation ratio of vibrating samples is 0.89375, and that of non-vibrating samples is 0.70625, and the cementation quality is improved by 27%. It is concluded that it not only provides essential data for the design of mechanical vibration plug apparatus, on-site vibration plugs, and the development of operational specifications for vibration plugs, but also provides solid engineering guidance.
出处 《Petroleum Science》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2023年第4期2428-2441,共14页 石油科学(英文版)
基金 The authors wish to acknowledge the Open Foundation of Cooperative Innovation Center of Unconventional Oil and Gas,Yangtze University(Ministry of Education&Hubei Province),(Item No.UOGBX2022-04,UOG2022-26,UOGBX2022-05) the National Natural Science Foundation of China"New method and control mechanism of surface rotary steering drilling"(Item No.51974035,U1262108,U1762214) the key R&D program of Hubei Province"Development and application of multi-dimensional power integrated drilling tools for intelligent drilling"(Item No.2020BAB055)for the financial support to this paper。
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