
Current Situation and Improvement Strategies of Teaching Engagement by Teachers in Higher Medical Colleges Under the Background of“New Medical Education”

摘要 The“New Medical Education”is a new requirement for the development of medical education in the new era.As a key and core element of the construction of the“New Medical Education,”the engagement in teaching work of university teachers is a key issue that determines the level of teaching development of university teachers and affects the quality of talent cultivation in universities.Using the literature review method,this study analyzed 39 relevant literatures retrieved from China National Knowledge Infrastructure(CNKI)from 1997 to 2023.The concept,connotation,current situation,influencing factors,and improvement strategies of teaching engagement by university teachers were reviewed and summarized.The results showed that the issue of teaching engagement by university teachers has not received high attention in the field of higher education,especially in higher medical education,which has not yet been reported.Although the overall number of literature is not large,some of the conclusions have important implications for the next research on the influencing factors and mechanisms of double-qualified teacher engagement in higher medical colleges.
出处 《Journal of Contemporary Educational Research》 2023年第10期1-9,共9页 当代教育研究(百图)
基金 2022 Education and Teaching Reform Research Project of Xi’an Medical University,“Construction and Practice of Teaching Quality Assurance System in Three-Level Teaching Bases of General Practice Medicine Under the‘Internet+’Model”(Project number:2022JG-05) 2021 Shaanxi Undergraduate and Higher Continuing Education Teaching Reform Research Project of Shaanxi Provincial Department of Education,“Construction of Teaching Staff Based on‘Online Learning Platform for Clinical Teachers of the First Affiliated Hospital of Xi’an Medical University’and Construction and Practice of Quality Assurance System”(Project number:21BZ066)。
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