

Research on the Integration and Presentation of Chinese Culture in Foreign Language Teaching under the Background of New Liberal Arts
摘要 中华优秀传统文化是我国最深厚的文化软实力,要留住文化根脉,守住民族之魂。新文科建设背景下,必须推进中华优秀传统文化的传承与创新,将中国文化与外语教学相融合,既能满足新文科建设战略的要求,又能发挥中华优秀传统文化及外语教学的优势,增强学生对本民族文化的自信心和认同感,不断提升学生的综合素质。文章阐述了中华优秀传统文化在英语教学中的传承与融合现状,论述了在新文科背景下外语教学中中国文化融入的价值,并提出新文科背景下在外语教学中融入中国文化的路径,即丰富外语学科文化内核、在教材中挖掘中华优秀传统文化、在外语教学内容上拓展中华传统文化;培养跨文化交际意识和正确的文化价值观念;强化高校学生的文化自信。 The excellent traditional Chinese culture is the most profound cultural soft power in China.To retain the cultural roots and uphold the soul of the nation,in the context of the construction of the new liberal arts,it is necessary to promote the inheritance and innovation of the excellent traditional Chinese culture.Integrating Chinese culture with foreign language teaching in the context of the new liberal arts can not only meet the requirements of the new liberal arts construction strategy,but also leverage the advantages of excellent traditional Chinese culture and foreign language teaching,enhance students'sense of identification with their own culture,and comprehensively improve their overall quality.The article elaborates on the inheritance and integration of excellent traditional Chinese culture in English teaching,discusses the value of exploring the integration of Chinese excellent traditional culture into foreign language teaching in universities under the background of the new liberal arts,and proposes the integration path of Chinese culture in foreign language teaching under the background of the new liberal arts,that is,enriching the cultural core of foreign language subjects,excavating excellent traditional Chinese culture in textbooks,and expanding traditional Chinese culture in foreign language teaching content;cultivating cross-cultural communication awareness and correcting cultural values;strengthening the cultural confidence of college students.
作者 金艳红 JIN Yanhong(School of Foreign Languages,Lingnan Normal University,Zhanjiang Guangdong,524048,China)
出处 《文化创新比较研究》 2023年第26期153-157,共5页 Comparative Study of Cultural Innovation
基金 2023年度岭南师范学院高等教育教改项目“新文科背景下外语教学中中国文化的融入与呈现研究”。
关键词 新文科 中国文化 交际能力 文化传承 文化融合 跨文化交流 New liberal arts Chinese culture Communicative skills Cultural inheritance Cultural integration Cross-cultural exchange
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