

Trends in incidence of malignant tumors in Yongkang City from 2013 to 2019
摘要 目的了解2013—2019年浙江省永康市恶性肿瘤发病情况及变化趋势,为恶性肿瘤防控工作提供参考依据。方法通过浙江省慢性病监测信息管理系统收集2013—2019年永康市居民恶性肿瘤的发病资料。参照《国际疾病分类第10版》(ICD-10),结合人口学资料计算恶性肿瘤的构成比、粗发病率和中国人口标化发病率(中标率)。采用年度变化百分比(APC)分析恶性肿瘤的发病趋势。结果2013—2019年永康市恶性肿瘤粗发病率为356.75/10万,中标率为226.97/10万,均呈上升趋势,APC值分别为5.887%和4.815%(均P<0.05)。2013—2019年男性和女性恶性肿瘤粗发病率均呈上升趋势,APC值分别为3.860%和8.534%(均P<0.05);女性恶性肿瘤中标率呈上升趋势,APC值为8.392%(P<0.05)。女性在15~<45岁恶性肿瘤粗发病率上升幅度最大,APC值为11.599%(P<0.05)。男性肺癌、结直肠癌、甲状腺癌中标率呈上升趋势(均P<0.05),女性肺癌、甲状腺癌中标率呈上升趋势(均P<0.05)。结论2013—2019年永康市恶性肿瘤发病率呈上升趋势,老年群体和年轻女性群体需重点关注,肺癌、甲状腺癌和结直肠癌是重点关注的恶性肿瘤类型。 Objective To investigate the trends in incidence of malignant tumors in Yongkang City,Zhejiang Province from 2013 to 2019,so as to provide insights into formulation of the malignant tumor control strategy.Methods Data pertaining to the incidence of malignant tumors from 2013 to 2019 were captured from the Zhejiang Chronic Disease Monitoring Information System.Based on the International Classification of Diseases 10th Revision(ICD-10)and data from the national population census,the constituent ratio,crude incidence and Chinese population-standardized inci-dence of malignant tumors were estimated,and the trends in incidence of malignant tumors were investigated using an-nual percent change(APC).Results The annual mean crude incidence and Chinese population-standardized incidence of malignant tumors were 356.75/105 and 226.97/105,which both appeared an overall tendency towards a rise(APC=5.887%and 4.815%,both P<0.05).The crude incidence of malignant tumors appeared a tendency towards a rise among both men(APC=3.860%,P<0.05)and women(APC=8.534%,P<0.05)from 2013 to 2019,and the Chinese popu-lation-standardized incidence of malignant tumors appeared a tendency towards a rise among women(APC=8.392%,P<0.05).The largest increase in the crude incidence of malignant tumors was seen among women at ages of 15 to 44 years(APC=11.599%,P<0.05).In addition,the Chinese population-standardized incidence of lung cancer,colorectal can-cer and thyroid cancer all showed a tendency towards a rise among men(all P<0.05),and the Chinese population-stan-dardized incidence of lung cancer and thyroid cancer both appeared a tendency towards a rise among women(both P<0.05).Conclusions The incidence of malignant tumors showed a tendency towards a rise in Yongkang City from 2013 to 2019,and the elderly and young females are high-risk populations for malignant tumors.Lung cancer,thyroid cancer and colorectal cancer are cancers that should be given a high priority.
作者 应莉娅 朱洪挺 胡浩 胡春生 张凤 YING Liya;ZHU Hongting;HU Hao;HU Chunsheng;ZHANG Feng(Department of Non-communicable Disease Control and Prevention,Yongkang Center for Disease Control and Prevention,Yongkang,Zhejiang 321300,China)
出处 《预防医学》 2023年第11期970-974,共5页 CHINA PREVENTIVE MEDICINE JOURNAL
基金 永康市科技计划项目(202240)。
关键词 恶性肿瘤 发病率 发病年龄 变化趋势 malignant tumor incidence age of onset changing trend
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