

Characteristics and risk assessment of surface water fluorine pollution in Ningxia section of Yellow River Basin
摘要 为探明黄河流域宁夏段地表水中氟的时空变化特征及其影响因素,于2019年、2021年的春(4月)、夏(7月)、秋(10月)对黄河流域宁夏段99个点位进行6次采样.将99个点位划分为8个水系(黄河干流(S1)、清水河(S2)、苦水河(S3)、卫宁段黄河北岸排水沟(S4)、卫宁段黄河南岸排水沟(S5)、青石段黄河西岸排水沟(S6)、青石段黄河东岸排水沟(S7)、城市景观河湖(S8)),分析氟的时空分布特征,解析环境因子对氟富集的影响,并进行生态和健康风险评价.结果表明:黄河流域宁夏段地表水氟浓度均值为1.46mg/L,高于中国饮用水标准值(1.0mg/L).受蒸发浓缩和降雨稀释作用影响,氟浓度季节性变化表现为秋季>春季>夏季.8个水系中只有黄河干流氟浓度未超标,苦水河、清水河和青石段黄河东岸排水沟氟超标最为严重.黄河流域宁夏段地表水氟生态风险均值达到低风险水平,中风险比率秋季为27.84%,春季为22.33%,夏季为11.11%,苦水河的氟生态风险最高,中风险比率高达80%.除黄河干流外,其他7个水系对儿童和成人均会产生健康风险,且对儿童的危害作用远大于成人.氟的时空分布主要受自然因素影响,蒸发岩风化溶解和蒸发浓缩是造成黄河流域宁夏段氟富集的主要因素. In spring(April),summer(July)and autumn(October)of 2019 and 2021,six times were collected at 99 points in the Ningxia section of the Yellow River Basin.The 99 points were divided into 8 water systems which including the main stream of the Yellow River(S1),Qingshui River(S2),Kushui River(S3),Drainage ditch on the north bank of the Yellow River in Weining Section(S4),drainage ditch on the south bank of the Yellow River in Weining Section(S5),drainage ditch on the west bank of the Yellow River in Qingshi Section(S6),drainage ditch on the east bank of the Yellow River in Qingshi Section(S7),and urban landscape River and lake(S8),and the temporal and spatial distribution of fluorine was analyzed,the influence of environmental factors on fluorine enrichment was analyzed,and ecological and health risk assessment was carried out.The results showed that the average fluoride concentration of surface water in Ningxia section of the Yellow River Basin was 1.46mg/L,higher than the standard value of drinking water in China(1.0mg/L).Influenced by evaporation concentration and rainfall dilution,the fluorine concentration changed from high to low in autumn,spring and summer.The exceeding fluorine was the most serious in the Kushui River,Qingshui River and drainage ditch on the east bank of the Yellow River in Qingshi Section,and the main stream of the Yellow River was the only water system that was not polluted by fluoride.The average ecological risk of surface water fluoride in Ningxia section of the Yellow River Basin reached the low risk level,and the medium risk ratio was 27.84%in autumn,22.33%in spring,and 11.11%in summer.The highest ecological risk of fluoride was found in the Kushui River,with the medium risk ratio reaching 80%.The results of the health risk assessment showed that except for the main stream of the Yellow River,other seven water systems posed health risks to both children and adults,and the harm to children was much greater than that to adults.The temporal and spatial distribution of fluorine was mainly affected by natural factors,and the dissolution of evaporite weathering and evaporation concentration were the main factors of fluorine enrichment in this area.
作者 赵增锋 付永亮 邱小琮 周瑞娟 赵睿智 杨强强 ZHAO Zeng-feng;FU Yong-liang;QIU Xiao-cong;ZHOU Rui-juan;ZHAO Rui-zhi;YANG Qiang-qiang(School of Civil and Hydraulic Engineering,Ningxia University,Yinchuan 750021,China;School of Life Science,Ningxia University,Yinchuan 750021,China;Ningxia Environment Monitoring Center,Yinchuan 750000,China)
出处 《中国环境科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第11期5800-5811,共12页 China Environmental Science
基金 宁夏高等学校一流学科建设(水利工程)项目(NXYLXK2021A03) 宁夏回族自治区生态环境厅科研项目(2022015)。
关键词 黄河流域 氟浓度 富集 生态风险 健康风险 yellow river basin fluorine concentration enrichment ecological risk health risk
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