
NR4A1 enhances glycolysis in hypoxia-exposed pulmonary artery smooth muscle cells by upregulating HIF-1αexpression

摘要 Background:Pulmonary arterial hypertension(PAH)is a chronic and progressive disease that is strongly associated with dysregulation of glucose metabolism.Alterations in nuclear receptor subfamily 4 group A member 1(NR4A1)activity alter the outcome of PAH.This study aimed to investigate the effects of NR4A1 on glycolysis in PAH and its underlying mechanisms.Methods:This study included twenty healthy volunteers and twenty-three PAH patients,and plasma samples were collected from the participants.To mimic the conditions of PAH in vitro,a hypoxia-induced model of pulmonary artery smooth muscle cell(PASMC)model was established.The proliferation of PASMCs was assessed using CCK8 assays.Results:Levels of NR4A1,hypoxia-inducible factor-1α(HIF-1α),and various glycolysis-related enzymes were measured.In addition,extracellular glucose and lactate production were assessed.The interaction between NR4A1 and HIF-1αwas evaluated by co-immunoprecipitation assays.Levels of NR4A1 and HIF-1αwas increased in PAH patients,and exposure to hypoxia resulted in increased levels of NR4A1 and HIF-1αin PASMCs.NR4A1 interacted with HIF-1α.NR4A1 overexpression enhanced hypoxia-induced expression of HIF-1α,GLUT1,PKM2,HK2,and CD36,decreased glucose levels,increased lactate levels and promoted hypoxic PASMC viability.Conversely,silencing NR4A1 decreased hypoxia-induced expression of HIF-1α,GLUT1,PKM2,HK2,and CD36,promoted glucose production,reduced lactate levels and inhibited hypoxic PASMC viability.Furthermore,overexpression of HIF-1αreversed the regulation of glycolysis caused by NR4A1 knockdown.Conclusion:NR4A1 enhances glycolysis in hypoxia-induced PASMCs by upregulating HIF-1α.Our findings indicate that the management of NR4A1 activity may be a promising strategy for PAH therapy.
出处 《BIOCELL》 SCIE 2023年第11期2423-2433,共11页 生物细胞(英文)
基金 supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.82000300).
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