

Strategic Framework for Safety Risk Prevention and Control for New Energy Application
摘要 新能源大规模应用是实现“双碳”战略目标的主要途径,开展新能源应用安全风险防控战略研究有助于新能源应用安全监管、风险防控与保障体系建设,推动新能源相关产业高质量发展。当前我国新能源应用涉及的新兴基础设施类型多样,面临着安全事故成因复杂、安全风险认知仍不充分、安全防控技术体系不完备、安全监管制度建设滞后等现实问题。本文从我国新能源应用发展现状与安全形势分析出发,剖析了充/换电站、储能站、加氢站、综合能源站等新能源应用基础设施面临的安全风险防控问题,总结了国外相关安全风险防控的现状与经验启示;围绕建立新能源应用安全事故前、中、后立体防控与保障体系,加强各利益相关方的安全风险管理与监管能力两大防控目标,构建了新能源应用安全风险防控战略框架,明确了管理与技术两个维度的重点任务以及中长期工程科技支撑项目。进一步提出了顶层设计、治理标准、监管平台、技术研发、人才培养、共建生态等发展建议,以增强新能源应用安全的研究与应用水平。 Large-scale application of new energies is a major approach to achieving carbon peaking and carbon neutralization.Conducting research on the safety risk prevention and control strategy of new energy application helps in the establishment of a monitoring,risk prevention,and guarantee system for new energy application and promotes the high-quality development of related industries.Currently,new energy application in China involves various types of emerging infrastructures and faces challenges such as complex causes of safety accidents,incomplete understanding of safety risks,inadequate safety prevention and control technology systems,and lagging construction of a safety regulatory system.This study analyzes the current status and safety situation of new energy application in China and delves into the safety risk prevention and control issues faced by new energy application infrastructures such as charging/swapping stations,energy storage stations,hydrogen fuelling stations,and integrated energy stations.It also summarizes the current situation and experiences abroad regarding safety risk prevention and control.To establish a comprehensive system for preventing and controlling safety accidents before,during,and after they occur,and to enhance the safety risk management and regulatory capabilities of all stakeholders,this study constructs a strategic framework for safety risk prevention and control for new energy application.It clarifies the key tasks in terms of management and technology development and proposes medium-to long-term engineering and technological support projects.Furthermore,we propose development suggestions in terms of top-level design,governance standards,regulatory platforms,technological research and development,talent cultivation,and ecological co-construction,thus to promote the safety research and application of new energies.
作者 孙旭东 徐小宇 罗魁 张博 杨毅 刘梓壮 彭苏萍 Sun Xudong;Xu Xiaoyu;Luo Kui;Zhang Bo;Yang Yi;Liu Zizhuang;Peng Suping(School of Management,China University of Mining and Technology-Beijing,Beijing 100083,China;State Key Laboratory of Coal Resources and Safe Mining,Beijing 100083,China;China Electric Power Research Institute,Beijing 100192,China;School of Management,Xiamen University,Xiamen 361005,Fujian,China;National Institute of Clean and Low Carbon Energy,Beijing 102211,China;Guohua Energy Investment Co.,Ltd.,Beijing 100007,China)
出处 《中国工程科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2023年第6期179-190,共12页 Strategic Study of CAE
基金 中国工程院咨询项目“国家新能源应用安全监管与保障体系战略研究”(2021-JZ-03) “未来20年煤炭减量的可能风险量化与防范对策研究”(2022-XZ-30) “氢(泛氢)能源关键技术路径、多能融合及产业保障战略研究”(2023-XZ-26)。
关键词 新能源应用 风险防控 战略框架 充/换电站 储能站、加氢站、综合能源站 new energy application risk prevention and control strategic framework charging/swapping station energy storage station hydrogen fuelling station integrated energy station
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