
Ground-based and additional science support for SMILE 被引量:2

摘要 The joint European Space Agency and Chinese Academy of Sciences Solar wind Magnetosphere Ionosphere Link Explorer(SMILE)mission will explore global dynamics of the magnetosphere under varying solar wind and interplanetary magnetic field conditions,and simultaneously monitor the auroral response of the Northern Hemisphere ionosphere.Combining these large-scale responses with medium and fine-scale measurements at a variety of cadences by additional ground-based and space-based instruments will enable a much greater scientific impact beyond the original goals of the SMILE mission.Here,we describe current community efforts to prepare for SMILE,and the benefits and context various experiments that have explicitly expressed support for SMILE can offer.A dedicated group of international scientists representing many different experiment types and geographical locations,the Ground-based and Additional Science Working Group,is facilitating these efforts.Preparations include constructing an online SMILE Data Fusion Facility,the discussion of particular or special modes for experiments such as coherent and incoherent scatter radar,and the consideration of particular observing strategies and spacecraft conjunctions.We anticipate growing interest and community engagement with the SMILE mission,and we welcome novel ideas and insights from the solar-terrestrial community.
出处 《Earth and Planetary Physics》 EI CSCD 2024年第1期275-298,共24页 地球与行星物理(英文版)
基金 supported by Royal Society grant DHFR1211068 funded by UKSA STFC STFC grant ST/M001083/1 funded by STFC grant ST/W00089X/1 supported by NERC grant NE/W003309/1(E3d) funded by NERC grant NE/V000748/1 support from NERC grants NE/V015133/1,NE/R016038/1(BAS magnetometers),and grants NE/R01700X/1 and NE/R015848/1(EISCAT) supported by NERC grant NE/T000937/1 NSFC grants 42174208 and 41821003 supported by the Research Council of Norway grant 223252 PRODEX arrangement 4000123238 from the European Space Agency support of the AUTUMN East-West magnetometer network by the Canadian Space Agency supported by NASA’s Heliophysics U.S.Participating Investigator Program support from grant NSF AGS 2027210 supported by grant Dnr:2020-00106 from the Swedish National Space Agency supported by the German Research Foundation(DFG)under number KR 4375/2-1 within SPP"Dynamic Earth"。
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