

Research Progress on Correlation between Depression and Sarcopenia
摘要 抑郁症和肌少症是老年人中常见的两种疾病,抑郁症患者因情绪低落、久坐少动等原因可引发肌少症,肌少症因肌肉质量及功能下降,患者缺乏与社会接触及沟通,患抑郁症风险增加。运动缺乏、营养不良、氧化应激及炎症反应等可能是两者的共同发病机制。本文就抑郁症与肌少症的发病机制和治疗的进展作一综述。 Depression and sarcopenia represent prevalent conditions among the elderly.The interplay between these two ailments is noteworthy,as depression can contribute to sarcopenia through factors such as diminished mood,sedentary lifestyles,and reduced physical activity.Conversely,sarcopenia is linked to decreased muscle mass and function,limited social interactions,and an elevated risk of depression.Recent research has unveiled a correlation between these conditions,highlighting shared pathogenic elements including exercise deficiency,malnutrition,oxidative stress,and inflammation.This article provides a comprehensive review of advancements in understanding the pathogenesis and treatment modalities for both depression and sarcopenia.By examining the intricate connections between these conditions,it offers valuable insights into potential shared therapeutic interventions and sheds light on holistic approaches to address the complex interplay of depression and sarcopenia in the elderly.
作者 胡建平 赵宇星 高原 Hu Jianping;Zhao Yuxing;Gao Yuan(Department of Geriatrics,the First Affiliated Hospital of Chongqing Medical University,Chongqing 400016)
出处 《国际老年医学杂志》 2024年第1期87-91,共5页 International Journal of Geriatrics
基金 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目(82101652) 重庆市自然科学基金面上项目(cstc2021jcyj-msxmX0207)。
关键词 抑郁症 肌少症 发病机制 Depression Sarcopenia Pathogenesis
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