

Research on evidence-based social intervention guidelines and standardsⅠ:developing standards based on evidence-based concepts
摘要 本文具体介绍了国际标准化组织、英国国家卫生与临床优化研究所和美国材料与试验协会基于循证理念制定标准的实践,探讨如何基于循证理念制定标准。标准的制定需要由标准制定委员会、标准制定小组和标准执行评价小组共同进行。在标准化建设的过程中,要加强标准制定的科学性和透明性,建立与时俱进的标准制定和服务体系。同时增强标准制定委员会和行业协会的作用,确保多方参与和利益相关方的合理代表。此外,应开展标准跟踪评价,持续监测标准的实施情况和效果,以便进行修订和改进。 This paper presents the procedures of the International Organization for Standardization,the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence,and the American Society for Testing and Materials in developing standards,and discusses how to develop standards based on evidence-based principles.The development of standards needs to be carried out by a standards development committee,a standards development group and a standards implementation evaluation group.In the process of developing standards,it is crucial to improve the transparency and scientific basis of the standard-setting process and to establish a progressive system for standard development and services.To ensure inclusion of multiple stakeholders and representative interests,there should also be an improvement in the roles of standard-setting committees and industry associations.Furthermore,standard tracking and evaluation should be carried out to continuously monitor the implementation and effectiveness of standards so that revisions and improvements can be made.
作者 拜争刚 朱雨萌 陈昊 盖琼艳 曾宪涛 史楠楠 Campbell中国联盟 BAI Zhenggang;ZHU Yumeng;CHEN Hao;GAI Qiongyan;ZENG Xiantao;SHI Nannan;Campbell China Network(Evidence-Based Research Center of Social Science&Health,Nanjing University of Science and Technology,Nanjing 210094,China;School of Public Affairs,Nanjing University of Science and Technology,Nanjing 210094,China;School of Acupuncture-Moxibustionand Tuina,School of Rehabilitationand Health Preservation,Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine,Nanjing 210023,China;Department of Urology,Nanjing Drum Tower Hospital,The Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing University Medical School,Nanjing 210008,China;Center for Evidence-Based and Translational Medicine,Zhongnan Hospital of Wuhan University,Wuhan 430071,China;Institute of Basic Research in Clinical Medicine,China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences,Beijing 100700,China;不详)
出处 《医学新知》 CAS 2024年第1期53-63,共11页 New Medicine
基金 国家重点研发计划“主动健康和人口老龄化科技应对”重点专项(2022YFC3600700)。
关键词 循证理念 标准 方法学 Evidence-based principle Standard Methodology
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