
English-Chinese Translation of Science and Technology Texts Based on the Differences Between Chinese and Western Modes of Thinking

摘要 As a tool for human communication,the use of language is affected by the way of thinking in cross-cultural communication.Due to the differences between Chinese and Western cultures,the way of thinking varies under the influence of such cultural differences.In the process of translation,the influence of the different thinking mode on translation activities cannot be ignored.At present,a lot of studies and researches have focused on the influence of Chinese and Western thinking mode on translation.However,it is still worthwhile to study what specific influence the difference between Chinese and Western thinking mode will exert on the translation process of science texts and what kind of measure should be taken to solve the negative influence brought by the differences when we are translating.This paper aims to discuss the influence of thinking differences between Chinese and Western countries on the process of English-Chinese translation of science and technology from the perspectives of long sentences,passive voice and nominalization,and how the translators should appropriately adjust their thinking pattern and use reasonable skills to eliminate the potential negative interference caused by the difference and achieve a better transformation between English and Chinese.
出处 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2024年第1期49-54,共6页 中美英语教学(英文版)
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