
Analysis of the Current Situation of Drug Clinical Trial Institutions in Shaanxi Province

摘要 To understand the current situation of institutional registration in Shaanxi Province after the implementation ofregistration system management in drug clinical trial institutions.Relevant information was collected on the“Announcement on the Accreditation of Drug Clinical Trial Institutions”issued by the National Medical Products Administration from 2005 to August 2022,the record management information system of drug and medical device clinical trial institutions,and the drug clinical trial registration and information publicity platform.A retrospective analysis was carried out in terms of institutional development,regional distribution,registered majors,principal investigators,and the number of drug clinical trials.After the implementation of institution registration,the number of drug clinical trial institutions in Shaanxi Province increased by 47.4%,884 principal investigators were registered,the number of registered majors expanded from 58 qualified to 117,and the professional scope increased by 50.4%.The policy of institution registration is conducive to promoting the rational use of medical resources and the development of drug clinical trial institutions and improving the healthy development of the pharmaceutical industry in Shaanxi Province.
出处 《Journal of Clinical and Nursing Research》 2024年第1期78-87,共10页 临床护理研究(英文)
基金 Project of Xi’an Science and Technology Plan(23YXYJ0163) Education and Teaching Reform Research Project of Xi’an Medical University in 2023(S202311840061) First Affiliated Hospital of Xi’an Medical University of China(XYYFY-2023-01) 2021 Xi’an Medical University University-Level Science and Technology Innovation Team(2021TD14)。
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