
Application of non-mydriatic fundus photography-assisted telemedicine in diabetic retinopathy screening

摘要 BACKGROUND Early screening and accurate staging of diabetic retinopathy(DR)can reduce blindness risk in type 2 diabetes patients.DR’s complex pathogenesis involves many factors,making ophthalmologist screening alone insufficient for prevention and treatment.Often,endocrinologists are the first to see diabetic patients and thus should screen for retinopathy for early intervention.AIM To explore the efficacy of non-mydriatic fundus photography(NMFP)-enhanced telemedicine in assessing DR and its various stages.METHODS This retrospective study incorporated findings from an analysis of 93 diabetic patients,examining both NMFP-assisted telemedicine and fundus fluorescein angiography(FFA).It focused on assessing the concordance in DR detection between these two methodologies.Additionally,receiver operating characteristic(ROC)curves were generated to determine the optimal sensitivity and specificity of NMFP-assisted telemedicine,using FFA outcomes as the standard benchmark.RESULTS In the context of DR diagnosis and staging,the kappa coefficients for NMFPassisted telemedicine and FFA were recorded at 0.775 and 0.689 respectively,indicating substantial intermethod agreement.Moreover,the NMFP-assisted telemedicine’s predictive accuracy for positive FFA outcomes,as denoted by the area under the ROC curve,was remarkably high at 0.955,within a confidence interval of 0.914 to 0.995 and a statistically significant P-value of less than 0.001.This predictive model exhibited a specificity of 100%,a sensitivity of 90.9%,and a Youden index of 0.909.CONCLUSION NMFP-assisted telemedicine represents a pragmatic,objective,and precise modality for fundus examination,particularly applicable in the context of endocrinology inpatient care and primary healthcare settings for diabetic patients.Its implementation in these scenarios is of paramount significance,enhancing the clinical accuracy in the diagnosis and therapeutic management of DR.This methodology not only streamlines patient evaluation but also contributes substantially to the optimization of clinical outcomes in DR management.
出处 《World Journal of Diabetes》 SCIE 2024年第2期251-259,共9页 世界糖尿病杂志(英文版)(电子版)
基金 Supported by the Project of National Natural Science Foundation of China,No.82270863 Major Project of Anhui Provincial University Research Program,No.2023AH040400 Joint Fund for Medical Artificial Intelligence,No.MAI2023Q026.
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