

Discussion on the Application of Flipped Classroom Based on Network Resources in Surgical Teaching
摘要 目的探讨基于网络资源的翻转课堂资源建设在外科手术学教学中的应用效果。方法选择2020年3月—2022年7月甘肃中医药大学临床医学本科2016级、2017级全科医学班的164名学生为研究对象。将2016级设为对照组,共90名;2017级设为试验组,共74名。对照组采用传统以课堂训练为主的教学法,试验组采用基于网络资源的翻转课堂。课程结束后,比较两组学生实践操作评分和教学效果评价。结果试验组6个单项方面评分、毕业客观结构化临床技能考核(objective structured clinical examination,OSCE)外科部分成绩及体现人文关怀、团队合作、无菌观念、爱伤意识等素质方面的综合得分均优于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。93.24%(69/74)的学生认为“翻转课堂教学法”有利于自主学习能力的培养,95.95%(71/74)的学生认为有利于提高临床思维能力,90.54%(67/74)的学生认为有利于提高表达和创新能力,提高自信心。结论基于网络资源的翻转课堂在外科手术学教学中的应用有助于提高医学生的操作技能,提高教学效果,体现“以学生为中心”的教学理念,教学实施方便、可行、效果较好。 Objective To explore the application effect of flipped classroom resource construction based on network resources in surgical teaching.Methods A total of 164 students from the 2016 and 2017 general practice classes of Clinical Medicine in Gansu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine from March 2020 to July 2022 were selected as the research objects.Class 2016 was set as the control group,with a total of 90 participants;Class 2017 was set as the test group,with a total of 74.The control group adopted the traditional teaching method based on classroom training,and the experimental group adopted the flipped classroom based on network resources.After the end of the course,the two groups of students were compared in practical operation rating and teaching effect evaluation.Results The experiment group was better than that of the control group on the score of 6 individual aspects,OSCE surgical section score and comprehensive score of humanistic care,teamwork,aseptic concept,love and injury consciousness(P<0.05).93.24%(69/74)of students believed that"flipped classroom teaching method"was conducive to the cultivation of independent learning ability,95.95%(71/74)of students believed that it was conducive to improving clinical thinking ability,90.54%(67/74)of students believed that it was conducive to improving expression and innovation ability,and improving self-confidence.Conclusion The application of flipped classroom based on network resources in the teaching of surgery is helpful to improve the operation skills of medical students,improve the teaching effect,reflect the teaching concept of"student-centered",and the teaching implementation is convenient,feasible and effective.
作者 潘海邦 易剑锋 李乐鹏 黄建梅 安勇 李军良 王波 PAN Haibang;YI Jianfeng;LI Lepeng;HUANG Jianmei;AN Yong;LI Junliang;WANG Bo(Department of Surgery,First College of Clinical Medical,Gansu University of Chinese Medicine,Lanzhou Gansu 730000,China;College of Nursing,Gansu University of Chinese Medicine,Lanzhou Gansu 730000,China)
出处 《中国继续医学教育》 2024年第2期73-77,共5页 China Continuing Medical Education
基金 2019年甘肃省高等学校质量工程省级项目(甘中医大教发〔2019〕93号) 甘肃省教育科学“十四五”规划2021年度重点课题(GS[2021]GHBZ140) 甘肃省教育科学“十四五”规划2021年度一般课题(GS[2021]GHB1859) 甘肃省人民医院院内科研基金项目(22GSSYC-1,22GSSYC-3) 甘肃中医药大学2021年教学研究与改革一般项目(YBXM-2021-15) 甘肃中医药大学2021年校级课程思政研究项目(2021-KCSZ-008) 甘肃中医药大学2022年教学研究与改革综合项目(ZHXM-202211) 甘肃中医药大学校级一流本科课程教学研究与教学改革项目(2019XJYLKC-27,2019XJYLKC-28) 甘肃中医药大学第一临床医学院2022年创新创业教育重点及一般项目(第一临床院发〔2022〕14号)。
关键词 网络资源 翻转课堂 外科手术学 微课视频 实践教学 以学生为中心 network resources flipped classroom operative surgery micro-lesson video practice teaching student-centered
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