

Theoretical and practical research on the participation of private capital in the comprehensive reform of agricultural water price
摘要 社会资本是水利基础设施建设重要的资金筹措渠道。建立社会资本参与农业水价综合改革机制,鼓励和引导社会资本参与到农田水利基础设施的投资建设、运营管理和维修养护等方面,能够扩大农田水利设施建设有效投资、提高农田水利基础设施和相关公共服务的供给能力,发挥“两手发力”的要素资源配置优势、提升水资源管理能力、优化水资源配置格局,促进农业用水方式由粗放向节约集约转变,提高水资源整体承载能力。文章从理论层面研究提出了社会资本参与农业水价综合改革的总体思路,梳理了社会资本参与农业水价综合改革的方式与内容;并以陆良县恨虎坝项目区为例,从实践层面总结归纳社会资本参与恨虎坝项目区农业水价综合改革的做法及成效,以期为相关地区推进农业水价综合改革提供参考。 Private capital is an important channel for financing in the construction of water conservancy infrastructure.Establishing a mechanism for private capital to participate in the comprehensive reform of agricultural water price,encouraging and guiding private capital to participate in investment,operational management,and maintenance of agricultural water conservancy infrastructure,can expand effective investment in agricultural water conservancy infrastructure construction,improve the supply capacity of agricultural water conservancy infrastructure and related public services,leverage the advantages of“giving full play to the roles of both government and market”in resource allocation,and enhance water resource management capabilities,optimize the allocation pattern of water resources,promote the transformation of agricultural water use from extensive to economical and intensive,and improve the overall carrying capacity of water resources.The article proposes the general idea of private capital participating in comprehensive reform of agricultural water price from a theoretical perspective,and sorts out the ways and contents of private capital participating in comprehensive reform of agricultural water price.And taking the Henhu Dam project area in Luliang County as an example,this paper summarizes the practices and achievements of private capital participation in comprehensive reform of agricultural water price in the Henhu Dam project area from a practical perspective.The research content of this article can provide reference for promoting comprehensive reform of agricultural water price in other regions.
作者 贺骥 陈佳川 康健 张娴 马华安 方迪 HE Ji;CHEN Jiachuan;KANG Jian;ZHANG Xian;MA Huaan;FANG Di(Development Research Center,the Ministry of Water Resources,Beijing 100038,China;Yunnan Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Science,Kunming 650228,Yunnan,China)
出处 《水利发展研究》 2024年第1期56-60,共5页 Water Resources Development Research
基金 水利部水利行业指导项目(126226001000190017)。
关键词 农业水价综合改革 社会资本 节水 政府和社会资本合作 Comprehensive reform of agricultural water price private capital water-saving public-private partnership
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