

Development and design of distal radial artery puncture compression hemostatic device
摘要 研究设计一种新型远端桡动脉穿刺压迫止血器,以期解决远端桡动脉穿刺压迫止血。该止血器主要由止血件、压力调节、固定部分以及可视窗组成,止血器能够精准压迫穿刺点,方便医护人员通过可视窗观察伤口,及时发现出血或血肿等异常情况,采取措施进行处理,极大提高术后穿刺点止血效果及使用舒适性。远端桡动脉穿刺压迫止血器具有设计合理,临床操作简单等优势。 To research and design a new type of distal radial artery puncture compression hemostatic device,to solve the problem of distal radial artery puncture and compression hemostat that has not been clinically applied in China.The hemostatic device was mainly composed of hemostatic part,pressure regulating part,fixing part and visual window.The hemostatic device can accurately compress the puncture point,and it was convenient for medical staff to observe the wound through the visual window,find out abnormal conditions such as bleeding or hematoma in time,and take measures to deal with them,which greatly improved the hemostatic effect and comfort of the postoperative puncture point.The new hemostatic device has the advantages of reasonable design and simple clinical operation,which is worthy of clinical promotion.
作者 朱雪清 葛杨 李萌 袁胜 王晶婧 刘震宇 Zhu Xueqing;Ge Yang;Li Meng;Yuan Sheng;Wang Jingjing;Liu Zhenyu(Cardiology Catheterrization Room,Peking Union Medical College Hospital,Beijing 100730,China)
出处 《中国医学装备》 2024年第2期196-199,共4页 China Medical Equipment
基金 中央高水平医院临床科研项目(2022-PUMCH-B-130)。
关键词 冠状动脉介入 止血器 远端桡动脉 设计 Coronary intervention Hemostat Distal radial artery Design
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