

Research on the Medication Rules of Traditional Chinese Medicine in the Treatment of Postoperative Glaucoma based on Data Mining
摘要 目的基于数据挖掘技术分析中医药治疗青光眼术后的组方用药规律。方法纳入中国知网、万方和维普数据库从建库至2022年8月31日以中医药治疗青光眼术后的文献。将涉及的中药名称进行规范化、统一化处理后,录入Excel软件建立数据库,利用SPSS Modeler 18.0和SPSS Statistic 26.0软件对处理好的数据进行关联规则、聚类分析。结果(1)一般情况:共纳入文献57篇,包含方剂64个,涉及中药113味,累计使用频次为703次。四气以寒性药最多(50味,44.25%),五味以甘味药最多(46味,40.71%),归经以肝经最多(42味,37.17%)。(2)高频中药用药频次:高频中药有21味,排名前5位的分别为当归(43次,6.12%)、川芎(42次,5.97%)、丹参(33次,4.69%)、茯苓(27次,3.84%)、黄芪(26次,3.70%)。(3)高频中药功效分类:以补虚药(6味,28.57%)最多,其次为活血化瘀药(5味,23.81%)、利水渗湿药(3味,14.29%)、清热药(3味,14.29%)、解表药(2味,9.52%)。(4)高频中药聚类分析:可得到2个聚类组方,功效分别为益气活血利水、行气活血利水。(5)高频中药关联规则分析:关联度较高的5组组合分别为白术-茯苓、黄芪-地龙、川芎-桃仁、丹参-葛根、当归-白芍。结论青光眼术后的中医药治疗多从肝经入手,重在益气或行气,并联合活血利水。 OBJECTIVE To analyze the medication rules of Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM)in the treatment of postoperative glaucoma using data mining techniques.METHODS The literatures related to the treatment of postoperative glaucoma with TCM were collected from the China National Knowledge Infrastructure(CNKI),Wanfang Data,and VIP databases from the establishment of the databases until August 31st,2022.After standardizing and unifying the names of the Chinese medicines involved,the data were entered into an Excel database.SPSS Modeler 18.0 and SPSS Statistics 26.0 software were used to perform association rule and clustering analyses on the processed data.RESULTS(1)General information:A total of 57 articles were included,comprising 64 prescriptions and involving 113 different Chinese medicines,with a cumulative frequency of 703 times.The medicine properties were mainly cold(50 medicines,44.25%),the five flavors were mainly sweet(46 medicines,40.71%),and the pertained meridians were mostly liver meridian(42 medicines,37.17%).(2)Frequency of usage of high-frequency Chinese medicines:There are 21 medicines of high frequency Chinese medicines,with the top five are Radix Angelicae Sinensis(43 times,6.12%),Rhizoma Ligustici Chuanxiong(42 times,5.97%),Radix Salviae Miltiorrhizae(33 times,4.69%),Poria(27 times,3.84%)and Radix Astragali seu Hedysari(26 times,3.70%).(3)Effects classification of high-frequency Chinese medicines:The tonic medicines were the most frequently used(six medicines,28.57%),followed by blood-activating and stasis-removing medicines(five medicines,23.81%),dampness-eliminating medicines(three medicines,14.29%),heat-clearing medicines(three medicines,14.29%)and exterior-releasing medicines(two medicines,9.52%).(4)Cluster analysis of high-frequency Chinese medicines:Two cluster prescriptions were obtained,with the following effects,tonifying Qi,activating blood,promoting diuresis,and promoting Qi,activating blood,promoting diuresis.(5)Correlation analysis of high-frequency Chinese medicines:The five combinations with high correlation are Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae-Poria,Radix Astragali seu Hedysari-Lumbricus,Rhizoma Ligustici Chuanxiong-Semen Persicae,Radix Salviae Miltiorrhizae-Radix Puerariae and Radix Angelicae Sinensis-Radix Paeoniae Alba.CONCLUSIONS The TCM treatment of postoperative glaucoma primarily focuses on liver meridian,with an emphasis on tonifying Qi or promoting Qi,often combined with blood activating and diuretic Chinese medicines.
作者 师宜鹏 于琦 张丰 李雪菲 谢立科 解晓斌 SHI Yipeng;YU Qi;ZHANG Feng;LI Xue-fei;XIE Like;XIE Xiaobin(Eye Hospital,China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences,Beijing 100040,China)
出处 《中国中医眼科杂志》 2024年第3期227-231,共5页 China Journal of Chinese Ophthalmology
基金 首都临床特色应用研究(Z181100001718086) 北京市石景山区谢立科名中医传承工作室项目(2020-5) 中国中医科学院眼科医院中央高水平中医医院项目资助(GSP2-09,GSP5-79)。
关键词 青光眼术后 数据挖掘 中医药 用药规律 postoperative glaucoma data mining Traditional Chinese Medicine medication rules
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