

Comparison and analysis of different longshore sediment transport formulas
摘要 经历近100 a的发展,沿岸输沙率计算公式研究领域已形成许多代表性成果,系统研判各计算公式的预测精度对于快速准确判断研究区域沿岸输沙能力具有重要意义。依据使用率高、公式结构简洁、考虑参数相对全面等标准,选择了国内外7个沿岸输沙率计算公式,采用现场原型沙、室内原型沙和室内轻质沙等多种实测资料,对各公式的计算准确程度和适用范围进行了定量检验。结果表明,CERC公式和Kamphuis公式适用于现场原型沙预测,但对室内轻质沙预测的偏离程度较大;MH-Kamphuis公式和van Rijn公式对各种实测资料的预测均总体偏小;赵今声公式和Bayram公式的预测精度最低,预测偏小程度较大。经比较,孙林云公式对各项实测资料的符合程度总体较高,预测精度提高了36%~73%,具有更广泛的适用范围,推荐用于推导沙质海岸沿岸输沙模型相似律比尺关系。 The longshore sediment transport has been intensively investigated in the past nearly one hundred years and numerous formulas have been proposed to predict the longshore sediment transport rate.However,the accuracy and applicability of those formulas remain unknown.In this study,seven formulas that have been widely used are compared to find a formula with high accuracy and wide applicability.The observations of the prototype coast and the indoor wave pool testing data using both natural sand and light sand are collected,screened,and filtered.The seven formulas are applied to all the collected data,and the root mean square deviations(S rms)are computed.The results show that the CERC formula and Kamphuis formula are more suitable for on-site use.The S rms between the two formulas and the indoor testing data of the light sand is relatively high.The MH-Kamphuis formula and van Rijn formula generally underestimate the measured data.The Zhao Jinsheng formula and Bayram formula have relatively high S rms.The Sun Linyun formula turns out to have relatively high prediction accuracy.The S rms for the Sun Linyun formula is 36%—73%lower than other formulas.The Sun Linyun formula shows a higher overall agreement with the measurements of both natural and light sand,demonstrating its potential use in model similarity laws.
作者 王宁舸 唐磊 孙波 辛文杰 WANG Ningge;TANG Lei;SUN Bo;XIN Wenjie(Nanjing Hydraulic Research Institute,Nanjing 210029,China)
出处 《水科学进展》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第1期123-131,共9页 Advances in Water Science
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(52101310)。
关键词 沿岸输沙率 计算公式 原型沙 轻质沙 longshore sediment transport rate calculation formula natural sand light sand
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