

Progress in Diode Laser for Chronic Periodontitis and CBCT Analysis
摘要 近年来,随着微创治疗理念的进一步提出,激光治疗因具有较好的杀菌抑菌、止血止痛、促进愈合等优势,在口腔疾病诊治中被广泛应用。刺激愈合过程和减轻疼痛是激光治疗最受欢迎的用途之一。在慢性牙周炎患者的临床诊疗中利用半导体激光配合牙周基础治疗的治疗方案得到了不少学者的认可并取得了一定的临床疗效,文章综述半导体激光辅助治疗慢性牙周炎的临床疗效及锥形束CT(cone beam CT,CBCT)分析研究进展。 In recent years,with the further introduction of the concept of minimally invasive treatment,laser therapy has been widely used in the diagnosis and treatment of oral diseases due to its good bactericidal,bacteriostatic,hemostatic,analgesic,and healing-promoting effects.The stimulation of healing process and pain relief are the most popular uses of laser therapy.In the clinical diagnosis and treatment of chronic periodontitis,diode laser coupled with periodontal initial therapy has been recognized by many scholars and has achieved certain clinical effect.This paper reviews the clinical efficacy of adjuvant diode laser treatment for chronic periodontitis and cone beam CT analysis.
作者 林晨凯 叶芳 LIN Chen-kai;YE Fang(Department of Stomatology,Affiliated Shangrao Hospital of Nanchang University,Shangrao 334000,China;Department of Periodontics,Affiliated Stonatological Hospital of Nanchang University,Nanchang 330000,China)
出处 《实用临床医学(江西)》 CAS 2024年第1期117-120,共4页 Practical Clinical Medicine
基金 江西省应用研究培育计划(20212BAG70019) 江西省卫健委科技计划项目(202130525)。
关键词 半导体激光 慢性牙周炎 锥形束CT diode laser chronic periodontitis cone beam CT
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