

Livelihood Capacity and Adaptation Strategies of Ecological Migrants in Natural World Heritage Sites:The Mediating Role Based on the Level of Adaptation
摘要 以巴音布鲁克世界自然遗产地外迁定居的205户牧户为研究对象,运用结构方程模型探讨生态移民的生计能力、适应水平与适应策略之间的关系。结果表明:牧民生计能力由生产能力、社会能力、劳动能力、金融能力等多种因素决定,适应水平由生活适应、文化适应、经济适应、社会适应与政策适应等维度构成。生计能力显著正向影响适应水平和适应策略选择,适应水平在生计能力对适应策略影响路径中起到38.46%的促进作用。牧民生计能力越强,异地定居适应水平越高,留在城镇定居的可能性越大。应通过激发主体内生动力、打造良好“三生”环境、创新定居移民生计发展模式来持续提升牧民生计能力和异地适应水平,促进区域可持续发展。 Employing a sample comprising 205 out-migrating and settled herder households within the Bayinbrook World Natural Heritage Site,this study utilized structural equation modeling to scrutinize the intricate interplay between livelihood capacity,adaptation levels,and the adopted strategies of the ecological migration.The findings delineate that the herders’sustenance proficiency is shaped by various determinants encompassing production capacity,social capacity,labor capacity,and financial capacity.Moreover,the adaptation level comprises five fundamental dimensions,namely livelihood,cultural,economic,social,and policy adaptations.livelihood capacity influences both the adaptation level and the selection of adaptation strategies.The level of adaptation played a 38.46%role in the impact of livelihood capacity on the adaptation strategies.This suggests a direct correlation:the stronger the herders’sustenance proficiency,the greater the adaptation level to resettlement,thereby increasing the likelihood of opting to settle in towns and cities.By catalyzing the intrinsic motivation of the primary stakeholders,fostering a conducive“living-production-ecological”environment,and pioneering novel modes for the livelihood development of settlement migrants,and can persistently enhance the sustenance proficiency of herders,elevate the off-site adaptation levels,and propel the region towards sustainable development.
作者 李倩娜 姚娟 付鹏飞 LI Qianna;YAO Juan;FU Pengfei(School of Economics and Management,Xinjiang Agricultural University,Urumqi 830052,China;School of Economics and Management,Neijiang Normal College,Neijiang 641000,China;Shandong Open University,Jinan 250014,China)
出处 《地域研究与开发》 2024年第1期140-145,共6页 Areal Research and Development
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(41961046) 四川省农村社区治理研究中心项目(SQZL2023B03)。
关键词 生计能力 适应水平 适应策略 生态移民 世界自然遗产地 巴音布鲁克 livelihood capacity adaptation level adaptation strategy ecological migrats World Natural Heritage Site
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