

Research on the Medication Rules for Stroke in Yixue Zhongzhong Canxilu Based on Data Mining Technology
摘要 目的:基于数据挖掘技术,从单味药支持度、多味药的置信度、Euclidean距离等角度出发,挖掘《医学衷中参西录》中风的用药规律,揭示遣药组方规律,拓展更多临床应用渠道。方法:通过Excel软件,制作《医学衷中参西录》中风方剂数据库、药材数据库、煎煮法数据库3个数据库,制定标准化处理规则,引入衡量标准指标对数据进行处理,计算药物的支持度,选取高支持度的药物及药对进行置信度的计算,以SPSS软件进行Euclidean距离计算。结果:《医学衷中参西录》中风共31首方,药65种,药味共使用259次,其中平性与寒性药物比例均占25%,归肝经、脾经的药物均占19%,苦味药为40%,甘味药为39%;出现频次前3位药物依次为:白芍、牛膝、赭石。高频项中,药材之间置信度为100%的规则中,单味药有19项,多味药有2项。结合支持度、置信度与Euclidean距离,最有价值的药对组合为:中风(脑充血)为白芍、牛膝、赭石;中风(脑贫血)为当归、黄芪。结论:《医学衷中参西录》中风,整体用药以平寒二性、苦甘二味、肝脾二经为多。药量方面,虽龙骨与牡蛎、乳香与没药、牛膝五味药用量规律明显,但其他药物用量规律不显著。治疗中风(脑充血,即脑出血)时,首取白芍生肝血以柔肝之效,次重牛膝引气血下行之力,继以赭石重镇下达收工;常配伍龙骨、牡蛎,取象肝木,柔缓脉象;以浓铁锈水煎煮为其点睛之处。治疗中风(脑贫血)时,首取当归、黄芪阴阳互制、气血双生之力,托举下陷大气;妙用乳香、没药,理气以透窍,理血以化瘀。 Objective:Based on data mining technology,this research explored the medication patterns for stroke in Yixue Zhongzhong Canxilu from the perspectives of the support degree single herbs,confidence level of multi-herb combinations and the Euclidean distance.The goal was to uncover medication rules,reveal the patterns of prescribed formulas,and expand the potential clinical applications.Methods:Excel software was used to establish the three databases of stroke in Yixue Zhongzhong Canxilu:stroke formulas,medicinal herbs,and decoction methods.Standardized processing rules were formulated,and measurement indicators were introduced to handle the data.The support degree of drugs was calculated,and high-support drugs and drug pairs were selected for confidence calculation.The Euclidean distance was computed using SPSS software.Results:There are a total of 31 formulas for stroke in Yixue Zhongzhong Canxilu,utilizing 65 different medicinal herbs with a total frequency of 259 occurrences.Among them,neutral and cold-natured herbs each account for 25%;herbs related to the liver and spleen meridians each make up 19%;Bitter-tasting herbs constitute 40%;sweet-tasting herbs make up 39%.The top three herbs in terms of frequency are respectively radix paeoniae alba,achyranthes bidentata,and ochre.In the high-frequency items,there are 19 rules with 100%confidence for single herbs and 2 rules for multi-herb combinations.Combining support degree,confidence,and Euclidean distance,the most valuable herb pairs for stroke are radix paeoniae alba,achyranthes bidentata,ochre as well as angelica,astragalus.Conclusion:In Yixue Zhongzhong Canxilu,the treatment of stroke emphasizes the use of herbs with neutral and cold properties,bitter and sweet tastes,and those associated with the liver and spleen meridians.In terms of drug dosage,although there are clear patterns for the use of keel&oyster,frankincense&myrrh,and achyranthes bidentata,other herbs show no significant dosage patterns.When treating stroke(cerebral congestion or hemorrhage),radix paeoniae alba is first used to nourish liver blood for its soothing effect on the liver,and achyranthes bidentata is secondly used to the downward movement of qi and blood,followed by the application of ocher to firmly control and settle.Keel and oysters are often included for soothing the liver wood and gently calming the pulse.The use of concentrated rust water for decoction is a key feature.In the treatment of stroke(cerebral ischemia),angelica and astragalus are initially used to balance yin and yang harnessing the mutual restraint of these forces and promoting the simultaneous generation of qi and blood.Frankincense and myrrh are ingeniously employed to regulate qi and open orifices,as well as to invigorate blood and resolve blood stasis.
作者 崔俊波 穆超超 陈宝贵 CUI Junbo;MU Chaochao;CHEN Baogui(Wuqing Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital Affiliated to Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Tianjin 301700,China;Institute of Internal Medicine of Integrated Traditional and Western Medicine,Tianjin Academy of Integrated Traditional and Western Medicine,Tianjin 301700,China)
出处 《世界中医药》 CAS 北大核心 2024年第1期74-81,共8页 World Chinese Medicine
基金 国家中医药管理局第五批全国中医临床优秀人才研修培养项目(国中医药人教函〔2022〕1) 天津市中医经典传承高级人才研修项目(津卫中便函〔2021〕642号) 天津市武清区名医工作室建设项目(津武人才〔2020〕5号)。
关键词 《医学衷中参西录》 @张锡纯 中风 脑充血 脑贫血 数据挖掘 Yixue Zhongzhong Canxilu @ZHANG Xichun Stroke Cerebral hemorrhage Cerebral anemia Data mining
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