

Textual Research and Authenticity Identification of Scolopendra Subspinipes Mutilans L.Koch
摘要 通过查阅历代本草、医籍、方书和近现代文献资料,对蜈蚣药材的名称、基原、道地性、品质评价、采收时间、炮制方法、真伪鉴别等进行系统梳理与考证,为蜈蚣药材的鉴别研究、炮制加工和临床安全用药提供参考。蜈蚣的药用价值始载于《神农本草经》。据考证,历代医家所用蜈蚣的主流基原均以红头红足蜈蚣(金头蜈蚣S.subspinipes mutilans L.Koch)作为优质蜈蚣药材的评价标准。蜈蚣资源分布广泛,主要产区为湖北、江苏、浙江,其中湖北产蜈蚣是市场上蜈蚣药材的主要来源。蜈蚣的采收加工通常在春夏二季,用竹片插入头尾,绷直,干燥,历代炮制方法主要“随病法制”,现代炮制方法以火炙为主。蜈蚣药材因其地域及品种原因长期存在混用、伪用现象,利用现代研究技术可弥补传统药材鉴别方面的不足。基于考证,建议选取金头蜈蚣为基原,对蜈蚣药材及其复方进行研究与开发。 Through consulting ancient Chinese materia medica,medical books,and prescription books of past dynasties,and modern and contemporary literature,this paper systematically sorts out and verifies the name,base origin,authenticity,quality evaluation,harvesting time,processing methods,and authenticity identification of Scolopendra,providing references for the identification research,processing and clinical safe drug use of the medicinal.The medicinal value of Scolopendra was first reported in Shennong's Classic of Materia Medica.According to research,the main base origin of the Scolopendra used by doctors in the past dynasties was the red-headed and red-footed centipede(S.subspinipes mutilans L.Koch),which has been using as the evaluation standard of high-quality medicinal Scolopendra.Scolopendra resources are widely distributed,and the main producing areas are Hubei,Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces,among which Hubei Scolopendra is the main source of medicinal Scolopendra in the market.Scolopendra harvest and processing are usually in the spring and summer,with bamboo piercing all the way though the head and the tail,to make it straight and dry.The processing method in the past dynasties is depending on the need of disease treatment.In modern times,however,processing method is mainly fire roasting.The phenomenon of mixed and false use of medicinal Scolopendra has existed for a long time because of its multiple places of region and variety.Modern research technology can make up for the deficiency in the identification of traditional medicinal materials.Based on the textual research,it is suggested to select S.subspinipes mutilans L.Koch as the base origin for the research and development of medicinal Scolopendra and formulae with it.
作者 陈茂华 徐谭芳 刘军锋 李艳华 昝俊峰 田莉 CHEN Maohua;XU Tanfang;LIU Junfeng;LI Yanhua;ZAN Junfeng;TIAN Li(Yichang Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Yichang 443003,China;School of Pharmaceutical Science,Hubei University of Chinese Medicine,Wuhan 430065,China;Community Health Service Centre of Wujiagang Dagongqiao,Yi Chang 443000,China;College of Medicine and Health Sciences,China Three Gorges University,Yi Chang 443002,China)
出处 《中医药学报》 CAS 2024年第3期47-51,共5页 Acta Chinese Medicine and Pharmacology
基金 湖北省卫健委中医药科研立项项目(ZY2021M037) 湖北省教育厅科学研究计划指导性项目(B2021038) 宜昌市医疗卫生研究项目(A20-2-039)。
关键词 金头蜈蚣 基原 道地 炮制 本草考证 真伪鉴别 S.subspinipes mutilans L.Koch Base origin Genuine Processing Textual research Authenticity identification
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