

Source Research of Qingjin Huatan Decoction(清金化痰汤)and Derivation of Associated Prescriptions
摘要 对经典名方清金化痰汤的源流、治疗思路和制法进行了考证,对清金化痰汤的类方进行了较为系统的梳理,以期对清金化痰汤及其类方衍化有较为清晰的认识,为清金化痰汤的临床应用和教学科研提供文献依据。火嗽理论在秦汉时期开始产生,历代医家不断补充完善。元代朱丹溪结合六郁学说和百病兼痰的思想,完善了火嗽的理法方药,提出了清金化痰法,至此火嗽理论基本成型。至明代,叶文龄融合朱丹溪清金化痰法,针对木火刑金所致火嗽创制了清金化痰汤,全方共奏清金解郁、化痰止咳之效。清金化痰汤后被其他医书所摘录,衍生出同名异方和同方异名的汤方。清金化痰汤的类方则随着痰与火的理论发展,在功用方面向化痰和补虚两个方面衍化,在适应证方面则向肺经病证扩展。 In this paper,the origin,treatment ideas and preparation methods of Qingjin Huatan Decoction were researched,and the associated prescriptions of Qingjin Huatan Decoction were systematically sorted out,in order to have a clear understanding of Qingjin Huatan Decoction and derivation of associated prescriptions,and to provide literature basis for clinical application,teaching and scientific research.The study found that the theory of fire cough began to emerge in the Qin and Han Dynasties,and was continuously supplemented and improved by physicians in successive dynasties.ZHU Danxi in the Yuan Dynasty combined the six-depression theory and the idea that all diseases are accompanied by phlegm,perfected the theory,method,formula and herbs of fire cough,and put forward the Qingjin Huatan method,thus the theory of fire cough was basically formed.In the Ming Dynasty,YE Wenling combined ZHU Danxi's Qingjin Huatan method,and created Qingjin Huatan Decoction for fire cough caused by wood fire penalty gold,which achieved the effect of Qingjin and depressing depression,reducing phlegm and relieving cough.Qingjin Huatan Decoction was extracted by other medical books,and derived the same name and different prescriptions and the same prescription with different names.With the development of the theory of phlegm and fire,the similar prescriptions of Qingjin Huatan Decoction developed to eliminate phlegm and tonify deficiency in function,and expanded to lung diseases in indications.
作者 邱舒月 金梦婷 胡方林 QIU Shuyue;JIN Mengting;HU Fanglin(Hunan University of Chinese Medicine,Changsha Hunan 410208,China)
机构地区 湖南中医药大学
出处 《中医药导报》 2024年第2期188-192,共5页 Guiding Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Pharmacy
基金 湖南中医药大学-华润三九(郴州)制药有限公司联合基金项目。
关键词 清金化痰汤 类方 清金化痰法 火嗽 《医学统旨》 文献考证 Qingjin Huatan Decoction associated prescriptions Qingjin-Huatan method fire cough Yixue Tongzhi textual research
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