
Variable and Invariable,Explore the Value-Creation Techniques of Management Accounting by Benchmarking the Financial Management of Large Enterprises

摘要 With the development of information technology such as ChatGPT,artificial intelligence,5G,and so on,technological innovation brings about a qualitative change in the economic business.This change is embodied in breakthroughs in the field of science and technology and the iterative upgrading process of products.The traditional business model undoubtedly fails to adapt to the management needs of modern enterprises,while traditional financial practices and knowledge reserves cannot meet these needs.Faced with sudden technological changes and the emergence of financial sharing,financial robots,etc.,there is an urgent need for financial practitioners to transform from traditional financial accounting to value-creating management accounting.In the future,financial professionals with the ability to embrace uncertainty,adapt to environmental changes,and find breakthroughs in uncertain environments will be the most sought-after by enterprises.This paper aims to benchmark the excellent financial management models of large enterprises and conduct thematic research on financial management in large enterprises.It seeks to explore,in the era of big data management accounting,the road and art of creating value in enterprises.The objective is to provide references for colleagues in the financial field and to explore effective ways to generate value for enterprise management ideas,thus serving as a reference point in the financial transformation journey.
出处 《Proceedings of Business and Economic Studies》 2024年第1期45-50,共6页 商业经济研究(百图)
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