
A study on the influencing factors of rural tourism promoting households'shared prosperity in Yinan County of Shandong Province

摘要 This study examines the influencing factors of rural tourism in promoting shared prosperity among households,using the case study of Yinan County in Shandong province,China.The research aims to provide insights into the economic benefits experienced by low-income households in the context of rural tourism development.Based on field research conducted from April 8,2023,to May 17,2023,including interviews and site visits,the study constructs an evaluation index system to assess the influencing factors.Through expert scoring and the application of a weighted set-valued mathematical statistical model,the importance and quantification of each factor are determined.The results indicate that the current stage of promoting shared prosperity through rural tourism in Yinan County is primarily influenced by the scale of tourist consumption of external visitors.This factor outweighs others such as the participation capacity and willingness of low-income households,the capacity of investment enterprises,and the policies and financial allocation of the local government.The findings emphasize the significance of external visitor spending and highlight the need to address the obstacles faced by low-income households in accessing economic benefits.The evaluation index system and measurement model presented in this study offer a scientific basis for assessing and improving the income situation of low-income households in rural tourism development initiatives.However,it is crucial to note that the importance of these influencing factors may evolve with the lifecycle of the tourism destination.Future research should include long-term tracking and consider a broader range of indicators to deepen our understanding of their mechanisms and significance.Furthermore,alternative approaches and theories may provide valuable perspectives for further exploration in this field.
出处 《Ecological Economy》 2024年第1期72-84,共13页 生态经济(英文版)
基金 This research is supported by the National Social Science Fund of China(Grant No.21BGL150).
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